Tuesday, May 25, 2010

PTO Meeting Minutes for May 13, 2010

Gorman Fort Banks’ PTO Meeting Minutes
May 13, 2010
Board members in attendance:  Dawn Manning, Marcie, Jackie Drevos and Kristen Fainga’a
Meeting was lead by Co-President Dawn Manning.

  • Dawn Manning opened the meeting by sharing the current budget and the results from the “Fort Fun Run”. A total of $3111.70 was collected from the bottle/can drive and the walk-a-thon.  Also, some money is still coming in.   
  • Pre-school teacher Ms. Andrea purchased butterfly kits and will be reimbursed from the PTO.  A motion was made and approved.
  • A motion to allocate $100.00 to purchase electric pencil sharpeners for the Pre-School classroom was approved.

  • Mrs. Pearson reported based on the recent school survey sent home to families, the overall message was very positive.  Families shared positive feedback regarding curriculum, materials and safety.  The biggest concern shared was regarding the playground equipment.  Mrs. Pearson recommended the PTO add the “playground initiative” to next year’s agenda.
  • Mrs. Pearson discussed the options for the Fort Bank’s summer reading program.  Will continue to work with Sheryl Queen from “Twist and Shake” to offer ice-cream certificates for children who read over the summer.  Mrs. Pearson offered to compile a list or she would be happy to review a list the PTO puts together.  The book lists must have a level of integrity. 
  • In regards to future enrichment activities, Mrs. Pearson commented that Keith Michael Johnson, “The Bubble Man” has been visiting Fort Banks for several years and although his show is entertaining and the kids love him; it is also sometimes nice to bring in new “flavor.”  Suggestions were to create a theme for enrichment or a social skills, math, literacy activity. 
  • Mrs. Pearson also provided an overview of what the PTO has done over this school year:
    • She first thanked the PTO for a job well done!  She noted having “Literacy Night” and a community reading day was something she was wanting since she came to Fort Banks and is pleased that it happened and is hoping for each to become an annual event.
    • She thanked Kelly Parker and Carolyn Gagnon for their leading and organizing Fort Banks’ Parent Substitute Volunteers.  Mrs. Pearson also thanked the parents who have committed their time to this initiative.  Not only is this initiative a valuable component it offers huge savings.  With parent substitute volunteers in the classrooms, teachers were able to do the following:
      • Participate in professional development workshops
      • Attend student IEP/504 planning meetings
      • Attend an enhanced training for “Story Town”
      • Meet with outside math consultants
      • Perform DIBEL assessments
      • Core group of teachers met to plan new math curriculum
      • Reading teachers met 2x during the year
      • Attend TST meetings on Fridays

  • Dawn Manning reported that $3111.70 was raised during the Fort Fun Run and bottle/can drive.  Some money is still trickling in.  Final results to be posted in June.
  • CLOTHING DRIVE: The PTO is applying for a permit for June 10, 2010 to hold our Spring Clothing drive.  Date to be finalized.  Dawn will call “Scholars for Dollars” formerly, Bag2School, to arrange a time and date. 
  • A vote was postponed regarding the fall 2010 fundraiser.  Representatives from Genevieve’s and Meadow Farms attended our April meeting but many PTO members expressed keeping our fundraising efforts local.  An idea to sell a “coupon” book with local sponsors was presented.  Tanji Daignalout and Kristen Fainga’a will share what they learn about coupon books during the June meeting.  Marcie Moline and Shannon Girard will be contacting Meadow Farms and Genevieve’s once a decision is made.
  • Carolyn Gagnon lead the fundraising efforts for a raffle on behalf of Ms. Murphy:  The total raised was:  $307.00 towards the Winthrop Teacher’s Association Scholarship fund

  • Cara Huberman is looking into applying for a Grant through the Discovery Channel
  • Keith Michael Johnson visited in May and was a hit with the kids.  A decision will be made in June regarding if he returns next year.

Additional Information:

§  Carolyn Gagnon spoke on behalf of her and Kelly Parker and the substitute parent pool.  She acknowledged that this program was extremely successful this year.  She would like the PTO to consider adding the role of “Parent Substitute Liaison” to a position within the PTO, separate from the general parent volunteer pool coordinator. This also may require a vote similar to that for board member elections.  This idea will also be discussed during the June meeting. 
§  Kelly Parker plans to speak to and recruit incoming K parents to consider being part of the parent substitute pool.
§  Both Carolyn and Kelly will continue to lead this effort next year, but would like to invite parents interested in leading this effort for the 2011-2012 school year  to shadow them
§  Kelly Parker presented the idea of adding certain responsibilities to the role of “room parents.” For example: encourage room parents to attend PTO meetings, forward the PTO minutes to room parents to help share info with their child’s class.  This will be discussed in June as well.
§  Carolyn Gagnon has offered to write thank you notes to our supporters this past year.  Jackie Drevos will assist Carolyn in this effort.
§  Dawn Hurley proposed having a reading initiative in the fall.  She was thinking of asking kids: “What would you do for reading?”
§  Field Day for second grade is scheduled for June 16, 2010.  PTO will sponsor the popsicles.
§  A motion was made and approved to allocate no more than $1000.00 for the purchase of class gifts for second graders. 
§  It was approved to send Jodi Harris a “Thinking of You” gift for $25.00

TREASURER’S REPORT: Reported by Dawn Manning            
  • Current Balance: $9312.40 (as of April 30, 2010)
  • (Above balance does not include the money raised from the Fort Fun Run)
§  June:  Clothing Drive - Date: to be determined

Remember, your thoughts and ideas are always welcome.  Please email Marcie Moline or Dawn Manning.              Marcie: marcie.moline{at}gmail.com
Dawn: kmanningfamily {at} comcast.net

Check us out at:  http://www.fortbankspto.blogspot.com

Meeting ended:  9:50 AM
Minutes compiled by: Jackie Drevos and Kristen Fainga’a

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

PTO Coffee Shop for Parents

Come One, Come All!!!
Parents and Guardians

Thursday, May 13, 2010

8:30 am Gorman/Ft. Banks PTO Meeting 

9:30 am

Shop for books at the

PTO Coffee Shop

BUY 1/GET 1FREE Spring Book Fair
(Coffee, Tea and breakfast pastries will be provided by the PTO)

Mrs. Pearson will be speaking on

“How to Create the Best Reading Habits”

Each Attendee will be entered into
a Door Prize  Drawing
For a
Gary’s Gift Certificate and 2 cones at Twist & Shake
For more information call Cara Huberman at (617) 605-3101

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Join Us At Our Next PTO Meeting May 13th!

Learn how much we were able to raise at the Walkathon. Who is the man we affectionately refer to as, Mike the Bubble Man and why do the kids love him? What upcoming activities do we have planned? What can you do to get involved?

Join us in the school cafeteria Thursday, May 13th at 8:30 am.

Minutes from April 15, 2010 Meeting

Gorman Fort Banks’ PTO Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2010
Board members in attendance:  Dawn Manning, Marcie Moline, Jill Dorr, Cindy Silva, Jodee Harris, Kristen Fainga’a and Jackie Drevos
Meeting was lead by Co-Presidents Marcie Moline and Dawn Manning.
Shannon Girard spoke about fundraising possibilities for next year.  She invited a representative from Genevieve’s and a representative from Meadow Farms Fundraising to the meeting.  Each representative spoke about their products and provided samples.  We listened to what each representative had to share but did not take a vote. A follow-up discussion will take place during the May PTO meeting.   

Mrs. Pearson was not able to attend this meeting.  Marcie Moline spoke on behalf of Mrs. Pearson.  Mrs. Pearson requested PTO funding for the kindergarten and first grade science curriculum focusing on butterflies and tadpoles.  $245.70 was approved to purchase butterflies, tadpoles and supplies. 
Marcie Moline lead the discussion on the final “Fort Fun Run” walkathon logistics.  There will be two stations set up for check in: one for pre-registered walkers and one for last minute joiners.  Debbi will be bringing the stickers and stamps for the event.  Cindy Silva and Georgeane Coleman will oversee the can/bottle drive logistics.  Jill Buccini, Kelly Parker and Kerri Kinsella have volunteered to assist with the bottle and can drive facilitation.  Chrissy will oversee the cell phone and Labels for Education table.  Kristen Fainga’a, Jackie Drevos and Shannon Girard will oversee the refreshment stand.  Dawn Manning will be bringing trash bags, sharpies, gloves, water and snacks.  There’s a possibility that the water will be donated by CVS.  Walkathon collections are due by April 30, 2010 and will be gathered by PTO treasurer, Jodee Harris. 
  • Fliers will also be displayed during the Winthrop Art Association Art Exhibit at the senior center.
  • As the Walkathon approaches, a Save the Date notice will be sent home
  • Cindy Silva spoke on behalf of the Cummings PTO and the possibility of allowing them to set up a table to sell their “Winthropoply” board game.  Many thoughts and opinions were shared, but a unanimous vote was not possible.  This will continue to be discussed by the board and walkathon committee. There were strong feelings on both sides. However, it was pointed out at the meeting that when we initially planned the Walkathon, it was our intent not to “sell” anything as we felt this would be too great a burden on our parents and the community to ask for more money after their generous donations.

  • Dawn Manning informed all members that it is necessary for PTO to secure permits from the School Committee for any visitor to Fort Banks.  This includes visitors during school hours, after school hours, pro-bono or fee based.

  • Jackie Drevos proposed adding Ooochworld,” an anti-bullying program to next year’s enrichment activity agenda. Many PTO members expressed the importance of supporting an anti-bullying presentation.  Lauren Sennot would like the Cummings School to participate in this program.   Both schools would then share the cost.  Jackie, Cindy Silva and Lauren Sennot will discuss the logistics.  Here is the pricing that was quoted:
    • 2 Shows - $1,000  (normally $1,200)
    • 3 Shows - $1,500 (normally $1,650) plus hotel if required based on the start time to fit in 3 assemblies.  There is also a travel fee for distances over 50 miles.  The fee for Winthrop would be $65, but we may be able to reduce that to $50. Jackie is investigating alternate funding through local organizations

  • Jill Dorr noted that on behalf of the PTO, she presented Channel 7’s meteorologist, Jeremy Reiner with a $25.00 gift card to Starbucks and a $25.00 Dunkin Donuts gift card to the TSA Canine officer during “Zorro the Bomb Dog” visit.

  • A motion was made and approved to make a $50.00 donation to canine training school in honor of “Zorro the Bomb Dog’s” visit in March.  

  • Based on a letter from Winthrop High School noting Fort Banks’ past commitment to scholarship donations, Marcie Moline made a motion to donate two, $200.00 scholarships to Winthrop High School graduating seniors.  The awards are in memory of former principal William Gorman Jr. and former teacher, Loretta Thompson.  Motion was approved.

Additional Information:
  • Marcie Moline and Dawn Manning presented a $1000.00 check to the Gorman Fort Banks’ PTO on behalf of FIJI Water, RollGiving and parent Steven Cassetta. As part of Mr. Cassetta’s employers charitable given program, Mr. Cassetta was eligible to choose a charity of his choice to donate $1000 and he selected our school.  The money has been earmarked for the school computer room.  Thank you Mr. Cassetta for thinking of Gorman Fort Banks!

  • New volunteers will be needed next year for the ink cartridge Recycle Rewards program and Box Tops Rewards.  Current volunteers will meet with new volunteers to discuss these programs. 

  • Co-President Marcie Moline and other PTO members will give a quick presentation to parents of incoming kindergarteners during Kindergarten Parent Orientation night on April 28 at 6:30.  Information flyers will be handed out to parents highlighting the role of PTO at Fort Banks.  Membership sign up sheets may also be handed out. 

  • Marcie Moline and Kristen Fainga’a shared the idea of hosting a parent/child mixer for incoming kindergarten families during the summer.  Points discussed:  can we wait until class assignments have been posted, should we hold it at the Fort Banks playground, send flyer home with welcome packet, will need to get permit. 

  • On behalf of Cindy Silva, Marcie Moline presented the idea of creating a school phonebook to sell for a fundraiser in the fall. The phonebook would list all children in the school, but families may opt-out of providing their address/phone number.  Idea was supported by members present at the meeting and will be presented to Mrs. Pearson for approval.  Cindy Silva will continue to research other models from other school districts.

  • Christine Bernstein spoke about holding a clothing drive during the first week of June.  Christine is interested in starting her own clothing drive business and has secured a company to assist her with managing this event in June as a test run which will allow for a greater profit for Fort Banks.  Event date to be selected and approved by Mrs. Pearson.

  • The Winthrop Chamber of Commerce donated their used ink cartridges to our Recycle Rewards program.  It was discussed to reach out to other local businesses or our own employers to ask for donations. 

  • PTO meeting dates and times for the 2010-2011 school year will be discussed at the May meeting.

  • Cara Huberman spoke about working with Dave Hubburd in coordinating a school field trip to the Deane Winthrop House.  Details to be discussed further.

TREASURER’S REPORTReported by Dawn Manning            
  • Current Balance: $8292.95
  • Deposits:
    • $1000.00 from FIJI Water and Roll Giving (Steven Cassetta)

  • May 1, 2010:  Walkathon:  “Fort Fun Run” at Miller Field.  Walkers are welcome to come anytime between 9 am and noon.

  • May 5, 2010:  Keith Michael Johnson “The Bubbleman” will be presenting to each grade. 

  • June:  Clothing Drive - Date: to be determined

Remember, your thoughts and ideas are always welcome.  Please email Marcie Moline or Dawn Manning.   Marcie: marcie(at)craftraft.com
              Dawn: kmanningfamily(at)comcast.net 
Check us out at:  http://www.fortbankspto.blogspot.com

Next PTO Meeting: 
May 13, 2010 at 8:30 AM
Meeting ended:  9:15 PM
Minutes compiled by: Jackie Drevos and Kristen Fainga’a