Welcome to the William P. Gorman Fort Banks Elementary School PTO Blog, a parent run and supported site. Visit often to hear the latest news, plans, activities and ideas to support our school. Fort Banks is at 101 Kennedy Drive Winthrop, MA 02152.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Next PTO Meeting is December 1st
Just a reminder: our next PTO Meeting is Wednesday, December 1st at 6:30 pm in the school cafeteria.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
November Meeting Minutes
Click here for the print version.
Gorman Fort Banks’ PTO Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2010 8:30 AM
Board members in attendance: Dawn Manning, Cindy Silva, Jodee Harris,
Kristen Fainga’a and Jackie Drevos
Meeting was lead by Co-Vice President Cindy Silva and Co-President Dawn
• Current Balance: $7952.20
• BINGO Fundraiser breakdown:
o $700.00- pre-sale orders
o $161.50- 50/50 raffle
o $211.00- bake sale
o $154.75- pizza
o $200.00 donation from MSA Mortgage to purchase prizes
§ THANK YOU MSA Mortgage
Upcoming expenditures:
o -$50.00- Motion was made and approved to allocate these
funds for the purchase of playground equipment
o - $30.00-Motion was made and approved to allocate these
funds for the purchase of cleaning supplies for Library use
Cindy Silva spoke on behalf of Carolyn Gagnon.
o Thank you to all the volunteers!!!!
o Volunteers are needed for Tuesday, November 9, 2010 from 8:30-
10:00 to cover classrooms while teachers attend assessments
o Georgeanne Coleman and Cindy Silva will take over as the “Recycle
Rewards” coordinators. PTO will reach out to local businesses to
support this effort.
Cindy Silva and Dawn Manning discussed putting a “cap” on donation
requests from Room Parents for gift giving. The decided action plan is as
o Tanji Daigneault will contact the school department/Town Hall
regarding the exact language for the State’s Conflict of Interest Law
which restricts gifts in excess of $50.00
o Based on the above findings, Kristen Fainga’a suggested the PTO
create a general letter highlighting the policy to be provided to all room
parents to distribute at gift giving times.
o Dawn was happy to report that Library is going great so far! Thank
o The Fall Book Fair was a success! Fort Banks will receive $2868.84
in “Scholastic Dollars.” This money can only be used to purchase
Scholastic materials. This year it covered the cost of Scholastic News.
o It was recently noted that the library has a budget of $1200.00. Any
requests made by teachers/library need to be approved by Mrs.
o It was asked if the above budget can be used to purchase reference
o Based on MCAS scores, Mrs. Pearson would like to create a reference
section in the library. Dawn is asking library volunteers to set aside
any reference type book they may see at the library.
o A discussion was held regarding purchasing a new library rug. PTO
members will research rug options and will provide pricing to Dawn,
Mrs. Pearson and the PTO board.
RECYCLE DRIVE: Cindy Silva and Georgeanne Coleman
o 8:00 AM -12:00 PM
o Will accept:
§ MA redeemable bottles and cans
§ Box Tops for Education
§ Laser and Ink jet cartridges
§ Unwanted cellphones
§ Campbell’s Soup Labels
*Christine Bernstein and Georgeanne Coleman asked to acknowledge Paul
Leavy of Ace Woodside Hardware to thank him for advertising for PTO events
on his sign and for the use of his parking lot. A “thank you” gift basket will be
put together and given to Paul on Saturday.
§ Shannon Girard sent in an update regarding the Fall Fundraiser:
o Brochures will be sent home on Monday, November 15, 2010
o Orders are due back on November 30, 2010
o Delivery will be the week of December 13, 2010
COATS FOR KIDS: Georgeanne Coleman
o It was decided that Fort Banks will not participate in the “Anton’s Coats
for Kids” program this year.
o This year, Fort Banks will hold a “Coat Drive” in support of local
families. May team up with local churches.
o Jodee Harris noted that the Winthrop Food Pantry is in need of men’s
o Jodee Harris will contact Wendy Millar-Page of the First Church of
Winthrop to discuss this drive.
o We will ask Mrs. Pearson to reach out to any Fort Bank Family in
BOX TOPS: Krissy
§ 6,495 box tops have been collected for a total of $ 729.50
§ Keep clipping!
RAFFLE: Winthrop Yacht Club, Night Before Thanksgiving Event
§ PTO will raffle off one of the following items at the WYC event
on November 24, 2010
o iPad
o Kindle
o Lottery Tree
o iPod touch
o TV
o Christine Bernstein inquired about the rent being paid by For Kids Only
to use Fort Banks. Where does this money go?
o We have not received any updates from Jeff Turco regarding the
questions/comments expressed at the October PTO meeting.
o Christine Bernstein reached out to Citizen’s Bank to support our
school but they cannot commit to a financial donation but will send
team members from the Revere Citizen’s Branch to our Recycle Drive
on November 6, 2010
o Tanji Daigneault expressed the idea to sponsor a snack cart after
o Kristen Fainga’a and Jackie Drevos will send out fliers regarding the
creation of a school motto. Plan to kick off the new motto in the new
o Dawn Manning suggested bringing back a general resource room
volunteer pool. This would require a volunteer to complete any
teacher requests left in the resource room, i.e. photocopy, correlate,
staple, cut, etc. PTO will create days and times for sign up. More to
o Dawn Manning acknowledged the fire fighters for painting the
schoolyard as a service donation to our school. THANK YOU
WFD! A Thank you from the kids will be created and sent to the Fire
Departments. Dawn brought the remainder of the baked goods from
Bingo night to the Fire Departments as a small token of appreciation.
Dawn Manning discussed the grants she and Cara Huberman
wrote and submitted on behalf of Fort Banks. One grant is for the
group Manquito.
Dawn made a motion to approve $1300.00 in case the grant is
not approved to have the group Manquito from Young Audiences
come and perform. Motion was approved.
Remember, your thoughts and ideas are always welcome. Please email Marcie
Moline or Dawn Manning. Marcie: marcie@craftraft.com
Dawn: kmanningfamily@comcast.net
Check us out at: http://www.fortbankspto.blogspot.com
Next PTO Meeting:
Wednesday, December 1, 6:30 PM
Meeting ended: 9:40 AM
Minutes compiled by: Jackie Drevos and Kristen Fainga’a
Gorman Fort Banks’ PTO Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2010 8:30 AM
Board members in attendance: Dawn Manning, Cindy Silva, Jodee Harris,
Kristen Fainga’a and Jackie Drevos
Meeting was lead by Co-Vice President Cindy Silva and Co-President Dawn
• Current Balance: $7952.20
• BINGO Fundraiser breakdown:
o $700.00- pre-sale orders
o $161.50- 50/50 raffle
o $211.00- bake sale
o $154.75- pizza
o $200.00 donation from MSA Mortgage to purchase prizes
§ THANK YOU MSA Mortgage
Upcoming expenditures:
o -$50.00- Motion was made and approved to allocate these
funds for the purchase of playground equipment
o - $30.00-Motion was made and approved to allocate these
funds for the purchase of cleaning supplies for Library use
Cindy Silva spoke on behalf of Carolyn Gagnon.
o Thank you to all the volunteers!!!!
o Volunteers are needed for Tuesday, November 9, 2010 from 8:30-
10:00 to cover classrooms while teachers attend assessments
o Georgeanne Coleman and Cindy Silva will take over as the “Recycle
Rewards” coordinators. PTO will reach out to local businesses to
support this effort.
Cindy Silva and Dawn Manning discussed putting a “cap” on donation
requests from Room Parents for gift giving. The decided action plan is as
o Tanji Daigneault will contact the school department/Town Hall
regarding the exact language for the State’s Conflict of Interest Law
which restricts gifts in excess of $50.00
o Based on the above findings, Kristen Fainga’a suggested the PTO
create a general letter highlighting the policy to be provided to all room
parents to distribute at gift giving times.
o Dawn was happy to report that Library is going great so far! Thank
o The Fall Book Fair was a success! Fort Banks will receive $2868.84
in “Scholastic Dollars.” This money can only be used to purchase
Scholastic materials. This year it covered the cost of Scholastic News.
o It was recently noted that the library has a budget of $1200.00. Any
requests made by teachers/library need to be approved by Mrs.
o It was asked if the above budget can be used to purchase reference
o Based on MCAS scores, Mrs. Pearson would like to create a reference
section in the library. Dawn is asking library volunteers to set aside
any reference type book they may see at the library.
o A discussion was held regarding purchasing a new library rug. PTO
members will research rug options and will provide pricing to Dawn,
Mrs. Pearson and the PTO board.
RECYCLE DRIVE: Cindy Silva and Georgeanne Coleman
o 8:00 AM -12:00 PM
o Will accept:
§ MA redeemable bottles and cans
§ Box Tops for Education
§ Laser and Ink jet cartridges
§ Unwanted cellphones
§ Campbell’s Soup Labels
*Christine Bernstein and Georgeanne Coleman asked to acknowledge Paul
Leavy of Ace Woodside Hardware to thank him for advertising for PTO events
on his sign and for the use of his parking lot. A “thank you” gift basket will be
put together and given to Paul on Saturday.
§ Shannon Girard sent in an update regarding the Fall Fundraiser:
o Brochures will be sent home on Monday, November 15, 2010
o Orders are due back on November 30, 2010
o Delivery will be the week of December 13, 2010
COATS FOR KIDS: Georgeanne Coleman
o It was decided that Fort Banks will not participate in the “Anton’s Coats
for Kids” program this year.
o This year, Fort Banks will hold a “Coat Drive” in support of local
families. May team up with local churches.
o Jodee Harris noted that the Winthrop Food Pantry is in need of men’s
o Jodee Harris will contact Wendy Millar-Page of the First Church of
Winthrop to discuss this drive.
o We will ask Mrs. Pearson to reach out to any Fort Bank Family in
BOX TOPS: Krissy
§ 6,495 box tops have been collected for a total of $ 729.50
§ Keep clipping!
RAFFLE: Winthrop Yacht Club, Night Before Thanksgiving Event
§ PTO will raffle off one of the following items at the WYC event
on November 24, 2010
o iPad
o Kindle
o Lottery Tree
o iPod touch
o TV
o Christine Bernstein inquired about the rent being paid by For Kids Only
to use Fort Banks. Where does this money go?
o We have not received any updates from Jeff Turco regarding the
questions/comments expressed at the October PTO meeting.
o Christine Bernstein reached out to Citizen’s Bank to support our
school but they cannot commit to a financial donation but will send
team members from the Revere Citizen’s Branch to our Recycle Drive
on November 6, 2010
o Tanji Daigneault expressed the idea to sponsor a snack cart after
o Kristen Fainga’a and Jackie Drevos will send out fliers regarding the
creation of a school motto. Plan to kick off the new motto in the new
o Dawn Manning suggested bringing back a general resource room
volunteer pool. This would require a volunteer to complete any
teacher requests left in the resource room, i.e. photocopy, correlate,
staple, cut, etc. PTO will create days and times for sign up. More to
o Dawn Manning acknowledged the fire fighters for painting the
schoolyard as a service donation to our school. THANK YOU
WFD! A Thank you from the kids will be created and sent to the Fire
Departments. Dawn brought the remainder of the baked goods from
Bingo night to the Fire Departments as a small token of appreciation.
Dawn Manning discussed the grants she and Cara Huberman
wrote and submitted on behalf of Fort Banks. One grant is for the
group Manquito.
Dawn made a motion to approve $1300.00 in case the grant is
not approved to have the group Manquito from Young Audiences
come and perform. Motion was approved.
Remember, your thoughts and ideas are always welcome. Please email Marcie
Moline or Dawn Manning. Marcie: marcie@craftraft.com
Dawn: kmanningfamily@comcast.net
Check us out at: http://www.fortbankspto.blogspot.com
Next PTO Meeting:
Wednesday, December 1, 6:30 PM
Meeting ended: 9:40 AM
Minutes compiled by: Jackie Drevos and Kristen Fainga’a
Meetings Minutes
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Gorman Fort Banks School PTO 2010 Fall Fundraiser
The Gorman Fort Banks PTO is partnering with a program from Creative Fundraising Solutions
to raise much needed funds through the sale of Crazy About Cookies 2lb
Pail Gourmet Cookie Dough. Parents please support this fund raiser by helping
your student sell quality products from our brochure encouraging yourto friends,
family and your coworkers to purchase quality products from our brochure.
Teachers are welcome to join in the sale, too. Our success will depends upon
your participation-- we are hoping that each family will try to sell 10 or more
itemspails. We The PTO will earn 50% on the entire orderof all sales which will
be put towards enrichment, programming and other needs within the school!.
***Important Dates***
November 15, 2010-------Brochures will be sent home
November 15 - 29, 2010-------Sale will take place
November 29, 2010-------Return money and order forms
Week of December 13th------Expected delivery & distribution
Students will earn prizes for their participation through the Prizes - Extreme Prize
Program--Sell 1 item, get a prize. Sell 5, get 2 prizes. The more you students sell, the
more your childthey will receive in prizes.
Just a reminder:
Pre-Collect collect the moneyall payments for your orders as you sell. Make
money orders or checks payable to Gorman Fort Banks SchoolPTO. Cash
is accepted. Please enclose the correct amount of money in the envelope
provided. All money and order forms must be turned in on November 29, 2010.
We cannot extend the sale.
If you have any questions please feel free to call Shannon Girard at
The Gorman Fort Banks PTO is partnering with a program from Creative Fundraising Solutions
to raise much needed funds through the sale of Crazy About Cookies 2lb
Pail Gourmet Cookie Dough. Parents please support this fund raiser by helping
your student sell quality products from our brochure encouraging yourto friends,
family and your coworkers to purchase quality products from our brochure.
Teachers are welcome to join in the sale, too. Our success will depends upon
your participation-- we are hoping that each family will try to sell 10 or more
itemspails. We The PTO will earn 50% on the entire orderof all sales which will
be put towards enrichment, programming and other needs within the school!.
***Important Dates***
November 15, 2010-------Brochures will be sent home
November 15 - 29, 2010-------Sale will take place
November 29, 2010-------Return money and order forms
Week of December 13th------Expected delivery & distribution
Students will earn prizes for their participation through the Prizes - Extreme Prize
Program--Sell 1 item, get a prize. Sell 5, get 2 prizes. The more you students sell, the
more your childthey will receive in prizes.
Just a reminder:
Pre-Collect collect the moneyall payments for your orders as you sell. Make
money orders or checks payable to Gorman Fort Banks SchoolPTO. Cash
is accepted. Please enclose the correct amount of money in the envelope
provided. All money and order forms must be turned in on November 29, 2010.
We cannot extend the sale.
If you have any questions please feel free to call Shannon Girard at
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Volunteers Needed on Tuesday, November 9
Help! We need volunteers for Tuesday morning November 9th from 8:30 am - 10 am to man the classrooms while there is a teacher training. Don't worry! The teachers will give you activities to do while they're away.
Please contact Carolyn Gagnon gagnon46[at symbol]comcast[dot symbol]net or leave your contact information in the comments and we'll be sure they get to her.
Please contact Carolyn Gagnon gagnon46[at symbol]comcast[dot symbol]net or leave your contact information in the comments and we'll be sure they get to her.
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