Sunday, December 23, 2012

Winthrop's Night for Newtown a Success

Tonight, the Winthrop Yacht Club was jammed with members of the Winthrop community. It was a warm and happy event attended by all ages. Special thanks go out to Move Fitness, the Waldman, Galuris, Garay, and Brazier families for their gift basket donations. Because of you, we were able to donate five baskets for the benefit for Newtown Schools.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Winthrop's Night for Newtown

Join us at Winthrop's Night for Newtown. A family fundraiser to support the Newtown, CT Schools. Sunday, December 23, 2012 at the Winthrop Yacht Club from 4 - 7 pm
Tickets are $20 for adults. Children under 18 free (and must be accompanied by a parent)
Activities for children - facepainting, games and Polar Express! DJ and Caroling. Many Raffle Prizes!!!!

Sponsored by:
Viking Pride Foundation
The 11 Foundation
Mike Eruzione's Winthrop Charities
For Kids Only Afterschool
Winthrop Yacht Club

Winthrop Public Schools
Winthrop Music Matters
Winthrop HS Student Council
Winthrop Chamber of Commerce

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winthrop 's Night for Newtown, a letter from John Macero

Dear Winthrop residents and friends of Winthrop Public Schools,

Multiple charitable organizations and Winthrop Public Schools are coming together to help Newtown, CT by sponsoring a "Winthrop 's Night for Newtown", Sunday, December 23 at the Winthrop Yacht Club from 4-7 p.m.. Details are below:

"Winthrop's Night for Newtown" Sunday, December 23 at the Winthrop Yacht
 Club from 4pm-7pm.  Bring your families as we come together to raise
funds to benefit Newtown, CT.  Santa will be making an appearance, there
 will be activities for younger kids (hosted by the WHS Student Council
and For Kids Only) and a DJ and caroling for adults brought to you by
Music Matters. There will be tons of raffles and gifts donated by local
businesses.   Tickets are $20.00 for adults and children under 18 (must
be accompanied by parents/guardians) are free.  Tickets can be purchased
 at Christopher's Flowers, Law Office of Chris Tsiotos & Winthrop
School of Performing Arts as of 2pm on Wednesday.  Tickets will also be
available at the door.

The High Rollers 100/100 Raffle:  Only 100 tickets will be sold for the
chance to win a grand prize of $2500!  Tickets are $100. Odds are great
for a chance to win $2500 before Christmas! Tickets can be obtained by

This event is a team effort comprised of the following groups:

Viking Pride Foundation

The 11 Foundation

Winthrop Charities / Eruzione Family

Neil Shapiro 5k

Winthrop Yacht Club

For Kids Only

Winthrop Chamber of Commerce

Winthrop Public Schools

WHS Student Council

Music Matters

How can you help?  Donations of raffle items such as gift certificates, wine baskets, airline tickets, time shares, sporting events and concerts  would be greatly appreciated.  These items may be dropped off at the
Law Office of Chris Tsiotos, 193 Winthrop St, Winthrop.

Gold, Silver, Bronze and Supporter business sponsorships are available by emailing

Proceeds: Proceeds from this event will go directly to Newtown, CT. Superintendent Macero will be reaching out to the Superintendent in Newtown to see exactly what she needs.  For example, she may need money to start an after school support group, rehab a classroom in their replacement building or provide a teacher appreciation.  We want to be as helpful as possible, but unfortunately we wont know exactly what that  is until the healing process progresses. Winthropites should have confidence that the Superintendent and Chairman of our trusted Winthrop charities consisting of the Viking Pride Foundation, Winthrop Charities
and The 11 Foundation will ensure that the money is put to its best possible use.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Meeting Agenda for 12/12

Tonight's meeting agenda is now online. We will be in the school cafeteria at 6:30 pm. Hope to see you there!

Please note that we will not have a formal dress code.

Monday, December 10, 2012

High School and Meetings

If you're a parent of a Gorman Fort Banks Elementary student, your family is going to be directly impacted by the choices of the Winthrop School Building Assistance Committee. They are working with the community to determine what kind of development plan will be taken for the High School and possibly the Middle School. It is critical that members of the community make their thoughts known. Please take a moment to take their survey.

Our next PTO meeting is Wednesday, December 12 at 6:30 pm in the school cafeteria. The agenda is coming soon!

Also, the next School Committee meeting is Thursday, December 13 at 7:30 pm.  Click here for the agenda.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Tuesday December 4, 2012
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM at the Gorman Fort-Banks School Cafeteria
All Fort Banks families are welcome, though space is limited due to fire and safety regulations.

Come join the Winthrop Parents Network for a literacy-based Bingo Night for kindergarten through 3rd grade students and their families. There will Bingo prizes, but even if you do not get BINGO, no one will leave empty handed. All children who attend this event can take a book home with him/her. Refreshment will be on sale from the PTO.

This is a FREE event sponsored by the Winthrop Parents Network
Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Grant

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Meeting Minutes from November 14 Meeting

PTO meeting Nov 14th 2012

Introduction of board members

Mrs. Pearson Report:
            Thanks to the effort pf Mrs. Mendieta, we have received a grand prize of $2500 (sport authority gift cards) for physical education equipment.  Due to wording of contract/agreement of grant, Mr. Pearson will send to council and see if we can accept it. 
            School site council update: working on budget, looking to see the need of additional teacher, part time ELL?  This year we have over 70 in ELL program. Also looking at books and supplies. 
            Conie Gavin is retiring this December.  She has been with us for over 29 years.  She will be dearly missed.  Process to find a school secretary is underway.  Interviews have been ongoing.  Will soon choose the best candidate for the job.

Happy Thanksgiving.  And thank you for the common planning time!

Reminder that there is a school project meeting tonight.

PTO events:  Spooky Bingo was great.  Good turnout inspire of Hurricane. 

Cookie dough Fundraiser coming up soon.  Profit margin has changed (to 40%) but it is still a great idea.  This year we made $8124.00    Cookies will be delivered on Monday, sorted on Tuesday and Pick up will be Tues 1-3   5-7 and wed 9-11
    Should we do this again next year?  Is there another company?

Calendar Fundraiser  Floerence Cain
            Idea to make a calendar fundraiser.  She has been involved with this for many years and is offering to help us out with it.   A money calendar where with the purchase of a calendar and daily drawing you can make quite a bit of profit.    All depends on sale of tickets.  When would we hold this event? What is the price of the calendar?  Will have further discussion on this. 

T shirt order going out in the next couple days.  $8 for short and $12 for long.  We will need volunteers to fill orders. 

Vendor Spring  Fair -  Christa Shea volunteered to head this Fundraiser…next meeting more news.

Holiday Bazaar-  we have been offered a free table to raise funds.  Ideas?

Coat Swap- Erica Gore  Coats being donated to Methodist Church.

Jodi Rice Gorman Giving  need volunteers  Monday Dec 3-Dec 14. Can goods drive, cradle to crayons.

Hockey Rink Jan 13th 4-6:30    VOTE= YES to holding event.. more to be decided.

Stop and Shop Rewards- Winners have been announced. We now have 132 in program.

Update on Financial  Status:  Aprox  $13,000 in acct today… but there are a couple of enrichment programs to payout.

Tumble books-  renewal $400.00  VOTE =YES

Chamber of Commerce renewal-   A yes vote was made in support of renewal for $100 and sharing the membership with other Winthrop School PTOs.

Enrichment program – today Operation lunchline
Jan.  MLK

Family Game night At Gorman Fort banks  6:30 pm  FREE event for community.

Meeting Adjourned.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Cookie Dough is Coming!

Cookie Dough pick-up times will be Tuesday, November 20 from 1-3pm and 5-7pm and again on Wednesday, November 21 from 8:30-noon.  Volunteers? We need you Tuesday morning to help organize the bundles by class. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Do You Shop at Target?

Did you know Target will donate to the Gorman Fort Banks Elementary school through their Take Charge of Education program if you use their REDcard? When you use the card, Target will donate 1% of your total purchase to the school that you designate on your REDcard account. 

I know many of us are Target addicts. Some of us are there so much that we affectionately pronounce the store's name with a fake French accent, Tar-jay. So why not get their REDcard?

The REDcard saves you 5% on top of their already low prices on every Target shopping trip, every day. As soon as you're approved, the savings begin. You’ll automatically get 5% off when you use your card in Target stores in the United States and on You'll also get free shipping when you order from (Exceptions and restrictions may apply, please visit and review their rules for full information.)

Don't do credit cards? Are you a cash person? In this day and age where many of us are avoiding credit cards, Target has a REDcard debit card that you can connect directly to your checking account.

To apply for a REDcard, click here. Or, you can sign up at one of the local Target stores in person. Keep in mind that if you are choosing the debit card option, you will need:
  • Your Social Security #
  • Your email address
  • Your bank routing # and the account # from your check

For the 2011-12 school year, Gorman Fort Banks Elementary was the top earner of donations from our local Target with $895.75 donated. Let's make 2012-13 even greater!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Coat Swap

Need a Coat? Have One to Spare? Want to Swap?
Does your child need a bigger coat for winter? Do you have coats your child has outgrown that you can share with other Gorman Fort Bank families?
Gorman Fort Banks 1st Annual Coat Swap will be going on from October 22nd – November 1st
Located in the Multi-Purpose Room
How it works:
YOUR CHILD HAS A COAT TO SHARE? Simply send your clean, used coats to school in a bag marked “Coat Swap” or stop by and deposit your coats in the coat bin outside the school during pick-up/drop-off.
YOUR CHILD NEEDS A COAT? Stop by the school on November 1st and look for a coat that is right for your child. (No coat donation is necessary to participate.)
Any coats left over on November 1st will be donated to a local charity.
Any questions?  Please contact Erica Gore (
This program is proudly sponsored by GFB PTO.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Town Forum on High School Renovation/Construction

From Karin Chavis: 

The School Building Assistance Committee (SBAC) met last night and are scheduling a Town Forum for November 14, 2012 at the Winthrop High School auditorium at 6:30pm. It will be an informational meeting of costs and what we can get for our buck along with a question and answer period. 

To learn more about the plans for the High School or possible combined Middle School and High School. Visit the School Building Assistance Committee's web page.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Meeting Minutes for 10/10/2012 Meeting

What a great meeting last Wednesday! Your presence is so valuable in making decisions that enrich our children's school experience.  Thank you to all who came, and congratulations to Stacey Ferriera for winning a $25 Target Gift Card in our attendance raffle.  Next drawing will be December 12th.

We are thrilled to have elected a new Executive Board Member last night - Michelle Holmes will now be serving as Co-Secretary with Mariana Babine.

We covered a ton of information in one hour - click this link to download October 10th's Meeting Notes.

Thank you!

Alicyn Thompson
PTO Co-President

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Spooky Bingo 2012

Spooky Bingo is Sunday, October 28th at the Winthrop Yacht Club. Doors open at 2 pm and we begin the fun at 2:30! Sign up below. Please! If you register online, don't send in the paper form that went home in the backpack mail.

Registration has closed. If you registered online or sent your reservation in via backpack mail, don't worry. You're IN! We didn't have to turn anyone away this year. See you Sunday at 2 pm!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

PTO Agenda and Don't Catch the Flu!

Click this link to see tonight's PTO agenda. We are meeting in the cafeteria at 6:30 PM. Our special guest tonight is Winthrop Schools Superintendent John Macero.

Learn more

The Town of Winthrop Board of Health
Seasonal Flu Clinic
Wednesday, October 10th, 2012
4:00 to 6:30pm
A.T. Cummings School

Any questions, call the Board of Health- Room 5, Town Hall
617-846-1740 ext. 130

1.  Ages 5 years and older
2. Please bring all insurance cards, social security, medicare card, and Mass Health care cards with you.

*** Mass Health $10.00 fee ***

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Scenes from International Walk to School Day 2012

All photos courtesy of Dawn Sullivan, 2012 Walk to School organizer for Gorman Fort Banks Elementary

(c) 2012 Dawn Sullivan

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Meeting Minutes from 9/12/2012

PTO Notes
September 12, 2012  8:30 am

Introduction of current members
Co-Presidents: Marcie Moline and Alicyn Thompson
Co-Vice Presidents: Christa Shea (not present) and Linda Straccia
Secretary: Mariana Babine
Treasurer: Dawn Sullivan

Principals Report
-Mrs. Person welcomed the PTO to a new school year.
-Wanted to make us aware that volunteers are needed ASAP.  (For teachers to be able to work together for RTI)
-Also need coverage for morning loop and also lunch.
-Rider ship on the bus is high, would like to get a person who can check riders in the am and pm.  This would be TWO volunteer positions needed soon.
-The current school website has great link and info; you are encouraged to visit it for news and upcoming events.
-Enrichment programs brought in through the PTO help immensely.  These are help 2nd Wed of every month. Common planning time is held at these times.   
-PTO is GREAT, thank you for all the help!

Treasurer Report

-Balance as of now is approx $8100.00
-$ are going to be going out to help pay enrichment programs
-We received about $1500-$200 from Stop and Shop rewards!
-Also would like to point out that the dues for the PTO can be sent in anytime.

Room Parents
-We are still waiting for slips to come in and the room parents will be picked in the next week.

Volunteer Report
- Volunteers are extremely important in our school.  In the past years this program has allowed teachers for common planning, further educate themselves and also be able to perform testing and assessment of the students. (Just to name a few)  Please contact Mariana Babine for further questions and to be placed on the volunteer list.
-Library will be opening in late Sept early October.  It is 100% percent volunteer run program! Donation are welcome, especially series books.  8th year that the library will open! Tues, wed and Fri set schedule.  Please sign up!
-Loop , 6 slots need to be filled daily.  Please help out in the loop, it is only 7:45- 8:15am.
Contact Carolyn Gagnon to join the loop volunteers.
-Resource Volunteer, help with photocopying and other needs that teachers might have.
-Book Fair- Dawn Hurley organizes this wonderful event that takes place 2 times a year.  The Fall book fair is our Fundraising (tentative date October 5th) and the Spring one is Buy one get one free!  Will need volunteers to set up, help kids purchase books, checkout, and dismantle fair.  This fundraiser purchases the Scholastic newsletter that the Student receives.

Cookie Dough Fundraiser
-Shanon Girard runs this fundraiser that has been extremely successful!
-Looking to change the date from November to October.  VOTED-YES
-Cookie Company is very organized, works well with us.  This will be the third year we do it. 
-Will need volunteers to check envelopes, help with arrival of DOUGH and sorting.

Gorman Fort Banks T-shirts
-Last year we sold t-shirts  (at cost) 
-This year we are looking to change Color of lettering and also offer long sleeve. 
-Price will go up slightly so that we are able to turn a profit.
-Shirts are 100% cotton. We are working with a local business. (Elite)
-Vote to increase price point VOTED-YES

Summer Reading Program
-Forms are due soon.  If you have lost or misplaced your from they are avail online at
-20 books =free ice cream
-30 books= free ice cream plus 1free book
-Students also receive a certificate signed by Mrs. Pearson

Affiliate Programs
-Box tops (Melissa Polino) 10 cents per box top, add to a lot of $!  Please send them in qty of 25 or 50 for easy counting.
-Labels for education, we get a couple cents per label just like box tops. Can be found on Campbell’s products.
-Recycle Rewards- We get money for used print cartridges, toners and cell phones.
-Stop and Shop- Last year we received over $1300.  This year we want to sign even more people up.  We are holding a contest to on FACEBOOK. Get a free Ulta $25 gift card and other beauty items for submitting the most Stop and Shop Rewards Card numbers.  You still receive your normal discount for gas.  You can sign up to 2 schools. FORT BANKS SCHOOL ID is: 06294
-Target Rewards- This program allows you to link up your bank debit card to a Target card.  Not only you get %5 off every purchase but the school also receives a donation from Target.

Kindergarten Social
- Successful event held in Aug. (before School started) to welcome incoming Kindergarteners to new school/friends.
-Anita Preble was able to obtain grant money for entertainer.
-Great way to meet/learn about and sign up for after school programs.

Family Events
-Spooky Bingo- Held in Late October usually sells out fast. A great fun night. Date TBD
-Valentines Bingo- Held week of Valentines Day, another sold out event in the past. Date TBD
-Literacy Night- Christa Shea is the Lead organizer
-Math and Science night0- looking to see if there is a committee? Interest?
-Future Events- open to floor for ideas: Family Skate at Laresn Rink
                                                                        Movie night?  Music Night?

Playground Update
-Dawn Manning- Update on the status of the playground floor.
-When will surface pour occur?
-Mulch is very low, dangerous for kids.
-Looks like there is a budget of $40k or $45k  for surfacing of playground.  Town will start to move forward on bidding and looks to be able to pour Next April?  Please get involved and ask your representative about this.  Attend meetings and show support.

Please attend School Building Meeting on 9/20 at 6pm in EB Newton

Next PTO meeting will be October 10th 6:30 pm


Questions regarding a fence for the back of the school (near playground?
-Site council member will bring this issue to their attention.

Questions and discussion on homeless person living in the wooded areas around school.  Mention of homeless mans items found, and police alerted about the matter.

Questions and discussions about why FKO is not allowed on playground, parent pays for child to stay after school and he is not allowed outside?

Questions and discussion on status of Access Road?
  Please send your concerns and questions to the Town Gov.


Meeting Adjourned.