Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 11 at 8:30 am in the school cafeteria. Click here to view and print the agenda.
Welcome to the William P. Gorman Fort Banks Elementary School PTO Blog, a parent run and supported site. Visit often to hear the latest news, plans, activities and ideas to support our school. Fort Banks is at 101 Kennedy Drive Winthrop, MA 02152.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
Minutes from December 7, 2011 Meeting
Gorman Fort Banks PTO
Meeting Minutes
December 7, 2011
Introductions –Dawn Manning calls meeting to order at
6:35 pm.
- Introduction
of board members.
- Dawn
states that Marcie Moline will be arriving shortly.
Principals Report- Dawn Manning
- Mrs.
Pearson is at a conference and cannot be here tonight. There is nothing new to report.
Jeffrey Turco, Town Council President-
- Update
from Finance Committee – 30,000 for playground is there and the votes are
- Access
road – road will be built. He had to
compromise and it was approved as an Emergency access road only. Special session tomorrow to vote on eminent
domain and making the emergency access road.
- A
question was asked regarding eminent domain – Mr. Turco responds that that as a
town we can only take land from the people lower than us on the chain.
- Next
step – the conservation commission has made some issues of condition and it the
DEP says yes, Stephen Calla will begin to put out bids for construction of the
road. This could take several months. We
must also approve of eminent domain to get the land from Governor’s Park for
emergency access only.
Volunteer Update – Kelly Parker not present – no
Cookie Dough Fundraiser – Shannon Girard
- Great
news – we have made $11,290 on cookie dough sales!
- Thanks
for everyone’s help and hard work – special thanks to the room mothers who
helped count the money and orders for us last week.
- Delivery
is expected on Tuesday, December 12 between 10-11. I will confirm delivery time – please check
PTO blog and face book for updates. A
letter and connect ed message will also go home regarding pick up times on
Wednesday, December 13.
- Please
note that room mother help will be needed on delivery day to help with counting
Treasurer’s report – Carolyn Gagnon
- Currently,
we have a balance of $22, 886 this includes cookie dough sales
- With
the help of Dawn Manning, we have figured out our expenses through the rest of
the school year and we should have between $8,000-10,000 going out so that
leaves us with a balance of around $12, 000- 13,000
- Box
Tops - $800 from last collection – another collection in February.
- Stop
and Shop – 90 households so far we have made $455
- Grants
– last year we got $900-$1000 we will find out in January and once the show
goes through we get reimbursement.
- Marcie
– in the past the PTO has a history of donating for High School
Scholarships. We will donate for 2 – for
$200 in June
Vote – Allocation of 1/10 of fundraiser to playground fund
- Voted
in the past to have 10% if money for in to the playground fund for maintenance
issues. We still need a surface and some
equipment. The spinning toy is up to
code we can move foot rest if needed.
Landscaping in the spring with benches and barrels and a sign that will
indicate sponsors.
Vote $1,120 – approved
Vote Allocation of funds for room gifts from PTO
– Teachers requested umbrellas for pick up times. We have looked into golf umbrellas for each
classroom to have some shelter. The
umbrellas are $20-$30 dollars each. Instead of giving them supplies we could
give them umbrellas with the classroom number on it.
- Proposed
– umbrellas for each classroom at a cost of about $1,000. The room gift would stay with the classroom.
- Vote
Wish list was also discussed. PTO will get in touch with Mrs. Pearson about
speaking with the classroom teachers to provide a wish list.
Vote Allocation of Safety Vests –
- Safety
vests for volunteers who do drop off.
Carolyn will check with Helco in the center to see if they are
interested in making a donation. Budget
will be $250 for safety vests. We will
revote if it is more.
- Vote
O2 monitor for nurse-
- The
nurse is thankful – she has used it many times. The cost came to $175.50.
2 indoor basketball stations -
- Basketball
- purchased for Mrs. Finn the basketball hoops.
The children love them and the OT and PT also thanks us. The cost was $586.00 for 2 plus shipment.
Tree Lighting -
Balloon City donated the bear we made a total of $343.00 selling raffle
tickets, hot chocolate and cookies. It
was noted that because we are in the Chamber we could publicize and ask for
donations for fundraisers.
Cross Cultural Council (Marcie Moline)-
- Because
of a need to help and reach out to families who do not speak or read English we
might consider creating a committee or council across schools made up with
Parents and Teachers that speak other languages to help staff and families
realize that families and students may need help. This would be an informal group to help
support and provide information.
- It
was noted that we should be careful with what we are helping families fill out
or interpret because of legal issues.
Labels for Education – need a lot of labels for a
only a little bit of money.
Recycle rewards – getting a check soon.
Label 4 kids.com – labels for everything (clothes,
Tupperware etc.)
Open Forum –
- February
Bingo – we haven’t discussed yet – we will put on January agenda
- Ask
Mr. Gill to come to our next night meeting.
We will give him a 5-minute window to introduce himself. He told Dawn that he would be a loop parent
when he has to drive his grandson.
- No
cell phone zone will go to school committee
- Walk
to school – we attended a safe routes to school meeting. There are funds from the state level that
would provide signs and information regarding routes and safe walking. It may take up to 2 years to happen. In the springtime we would like to start the
Walk to School Wednesday. Mr. Macero is on board.
- School
bus fees are being enforced for the school bus stop except for Point Shirley
- By-Laws
have changed regarding traffic patterns.
You can no longer take left turns out of Almont Street and you cannot
turn left onto Locust Street from Revere St.
- Chief
Delahanty can be contacted if people are not parking legally.
Meetings Minutes
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