Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012

“Ready, Set, Wear It!” Life Jacket World Record Day!

Saturday, May 19
10:30 am~- noon

Winthrop Public Landing-Town Pier
Residents of Winthrop will gather to set a world record for the most life jackets worn and inflatable life jackets inflated.
Learn how to properly wear, rearm and repack~inflatable life vests.
Inherently Buoyant PFD will also be demonstrated for Winthrop youth sailing groups~and paddle craft operators.

Free event hosted by~US Coast Guard Auxiliary

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

PTO Meeting Agenda 5/9

The agenda is ready. Please click here. Todd Sacco from the School Committee will be speaking. We will be in the cafeteria at 8:30am.

Meeting Minutes from April 4, 2012

Meeting Notes
April 4, 2012

Mr. Macero – Touch base regarding playground.  Introduces Jerry Boyle, Facilities manager.

Mr. Boyle-  He will be I charge of the resurfacing. Next step to put out a bid for the outer playground surface.   Also, get bed for inner playground.  PTO may generously donate $ for it.

Q.            Who has the ultimate reasonability for the playground upkeep?
-         The town has no budget for the maintenance of the playground. Steve Calla stated that the town is in charge.  Discussed that it might be a good idea for signage to go up stating “School park for school hours.”  Open to town use from O-O. Park is a town park on weekends.
Discussion of usage of playground, a rubber surface would be ideal and safer.
                        Many years of lack of maintenance/budget/$ for the schools. 
Q.            Area outside park seeded? 
-         It was seeded today 4/4/12.  DPW had resources and time , so they went ahead and did it.  Would be beneficial to keep kids off grass.
-         Mr.Macero stated that the perk of having a mild winter, DPW taking initiative to clean it up and fix fields. 
-         Town trying to find money to maintain school grounds.
Mr. Boyle- Grass needs 6-8 weeks to grow.

Mr. Macero’s News- 
*Fundraiser for Viking pride. Schools will play each other.  Personnel from the various schools will participate.  This is done for two reasons, to build morale and raise $.  Will be held soon, date to be determined, probably may/june.  Will be held at little league field.

*Winthrop Schools have a Facebook page.  Up as of today.  Will feature announcements and information.

* Student Caytlin Ferro, placed 2nd in State History Competition.  She will head to Maryland for National Competition.

Access road questions:  Steve Calla stated that there is no funding at the moment for the road.  Stated that it would be a great public comment question at the next town meeting.

Questions for Mr. Boyle:
            Q. Problem with the heating at the schools?
            He explained that there was 150K allocated to schools… Long laundry list of items included boilers, roof tops, still working on fixing items.  More discussion of the lack of maintenance of the school and town buildings from other parents. Who does the work? If it is in house or contractor? They are also working on training the current staff.   He is working on fixing those and other issues.  Most important preventative maintenance.
Q. What is being done to address the filthy High and Middle schools?
Mr. Boyle stated that these are older schools.  Some changed must and will be made to address this issue.  Agrees that the HS  is dirty.  Janitorial staff has been cut in the past years.   Mrs. Girard stated that the dust is visible and it is something that can be easily cleaned up. 

Mrs. Pearson asks: Can the DPW trucks abide by the agreement to stay off roads at the peak hrs. 
            Mr. Calla disagrees, states that his personnel is doing a good job.  He has maintained the BIG trucks out of the way. Other parents disagree with him, state that the safety of these children are at risk at it is a huge liability.  Mr Calla stated that they are doing the best possible.  Their hours of operation are similar as to the schools hours. Mrs. Pearson thanks him for his ongoing efforts.  Mr Calla states that is would be easier for his  trucks to move around if the parents would not park in the ILLEGAL area.
Discussion on what efforts have been made (police ticketing,  phone calls on how to follow the rules etc. regarding this and other safety issues (loop). Discussion on weather cones or horses in the area would help.   Mr. Calla states that he thinks a good resolution to the parking problem, would be to install a curb.  Stated that he is looking into it possible cost would be 12-15k for a granite curb.

Community reading: was great, thank you letters are coming out soon. Was put on town newsletter.

Incoming Info Night will be held Thursday May 17th     PTO will   set up at table 6:30-8:00pm

Kindergarten Registration:  Starting next week  at Town Hall.

Teachers are very excited about Recycle Rewards.  That same    day will be professional development.  

Bubble Guy is coming next week everyone is very excited!

A thank you to parents for Volunteer.

Think of a different/serious way to emphasize loop/parking safety.
            Marcie Suggested a video on WCAT.

Mr. Sacco could not attend had a meeting re: finance/budget.

Mr. Skormo-  Budget meeting to maintain current budget.  All contracts are being negotiated; teachers, esp, nurse, music, custodians. Separate bargaining units.

Carolyn states that we have approx $15,000 in acct. some expenditures coming out soon include: luncheon, teachers gifts, enrichment programs.  Expecting that we will end up with $8,000
Cara states that we have approx $4,000 from grants coming in.
Marcie states that there is a change in the board , Need to look at the following year. 
 Mrs. Pearson asked to see if the PTO would be able to set aside a small %  for staff development.  ($500 is the estimate for a day )

Other possible disbursement;
safety programs- would have to be an evening event.
Feeding your family fit- Health night theme?  Looking into this with Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Tsiotis

Will be held on April 27  11am-1pm.  Need Volunteers. PTO is asking for donations $2.00 to offset the costs.  Fruit Salad, wraps and dessert.

Pizza or slush is the question? 
$300 for slush on field day was the best option. 

 Teachers like it .  It can be a hit or miss..? But it is amazing.

Will be held closer to Memorial day week.

Will start after School vacation

Box tops check has not arrived yet.
Stop and Shop update will be coming soon.  Last time we were at $1100.
Cartridges- will ask chamber of commerce to see if we can get donations from local biz of their used cartridges.
Cara will get some boxes at the Market place for donation of Box tops and such.

Set up Table at the Center for Sidewalk sale? Raffle?

April 28th Town wide recycle day at Cummings School.

May 19th Town wide playground build for new park Pepsi is helping sponsor it.

Other Playground news:  *Town said no sand box for playground.
*Looking into a 5 person bouncing mechanism for inside playground.
*Looking for the options to set up a bench for around the trees.  The idea would be to  use the special decking material that does not need upkeep.

PTO board Positions available to next School year.
(will be posted soon)


REMINDER: PTO Meeting Wednesday, May 9

PTO meeting tomorrow morning. Wednesday 5/9 8:30am. Todd Sacco from the School Committee will be speaking. We'll also be talking about upcoming open executive board positions.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Cleaning the Bronze Veterans Grave Markers

(This is a community event and not PTO-sponsored)
Saturday, May 12, 2012 8:00am until noon
       Lend a hand as we honor those who have defended this great Country. This coming Saturday, May 12th, from 8:00am until noon, we will be cleaning the bronze Veterans grave markers in the Winthrop Cemetery. Come on down, bring your children, work an hour or two or any time you can spare. Teach your children why we honor those who have defended our country.
        Bring an old knife, a bucket, gloves and maybe a small brush or I will have plenty of tools to hand out.
        We will be meeting at the Cemetery entrance at the intersection of River Road, Cross Street and Bowdoin Street. I'll have refreshments, coffee, Dunkin munchkins , soft drinks and water.

Richard Honan
         66 Crest Avenue  Winthrop, MA 02152

(617) 846-5972

66 Crest Avenue  Winthrop, MA 02152

(617) 846-5972