PTO Notes
September 12, 2012
8:30 am
Introduction of
current members
Co-Presidents: Marcie Moline and Alicyn Thompson
Co-Vice Presidents: Christa Shea (not present) and Linda
Secretary: Mariana Babine
Treasurer: Dawn Sullivan
Principals Report
-Mrs. Person welcomed the PTO to a new school year.
-Wanted to make us aware that volunteers are needed
ASAP. (For teachers to be able to work
together for RTI)
-Also need coverage for morning loop and also lunch.
-Rider ship on the bus is high, would like to get a person
who can check riders in the am and pm.
This would be TWO volunteer positions needed soon.
-The current school website has great link and info; you are
encouraged to visit it for news and upcoming events.
-Enrichment programs brought in through the PTO help
immensely. These are help 2nd
Wed of every month. Common planning time is held at these times.
-PTO is GREAT, thank you for all the help!
Treasurer Report
-Balance as of now is approx $8100.00
-$ are going to be going out to help pay enrichment programs
-We received about $1500-$200 from Stop and Shop rewards!
-Also would like to point out that the dues for the PTO can
be sent in anytime.
Room Parents
-We are still waiting for slips to come in and the room
parents will be picked in the next week.
Volunteer Report
- Volunteers are extremely important in our school. In the past years this program has allowed
teachers for common planning, further educate themselves and also be able to
perform testing and assessment of the students. (Just to name a few) Please contact Mariana Babine for further
questions and to be placed on the volunteer list.
-Library will be opening in late Sept early October. It is 100% percent volunteer run program!
Donation are welcome, especially series books.
8th year that the library will open! Tues, wed and Fri set
schedule. Please sign up!
-Loop , 6 slots need to be filled daily. Please help out in the loop, it is only 7:45-
Contact Carolyn Gagnon to join the loop volunteers.
-Resource Volunteer, help with photocopying and other needs
that teachers might have.
-Book Fair- Dawn Hurley organizes this wonderful event that
takes place 2 times a year. The Fall
book fair is our Fundraising (tentative date October 5th) and the
Spring one is Buy one get one free! Will
need volunteers to set up, help kids purchase books, checkout, and dismantle
fair. This fundraiser purchases the
Scholastic newsletter that the Student receives.
Cookie Dough
-Shanon Girard runs this fundraiser that has been extremely
-Looking to change the date from November to October. VOTED-YES
-Cookie Company is very organized, works well with us. This will be the third year we do it.
-Will need volunteers to check envelopes, help with arrival
of DOUGH and sorting.
Gorman Fort Banks
-Last year we sold t-shirts
(at cost)
-This year we are looking to change Color of lettering and
also offer long sleeve.
-Price will go up slightly so that we are able to turn a
-Shirts are 100% cotton. We are working with a local
business. (Elite)
-Vote to increase price point VOTED-YES
Summer Reading
-Forms are due soon.
If you have lost or misplaced your from they are avail online at
-20 books =free ice cream
-30 books= free ice cream plus 1free book
-Students also receive a certificate signed by Mrs. Pearson
Affiliate Programs
-Box tops (Melissa Polino) 10 cents per box top, add to a
lot of $! Please send them in qty of 25
or 50 for easy counting.
-Labels for education, we get a couple cents per label just
like box tops. Can be found on Campbell’s products.
-Recycle Rewards- We get money for used print cartridges,
toners and cell phones.
-Stop and Shop- Last year we received over $1300. This year we want to sign even more people
up. We are holding a contest to on
FACEBOOK. Get a free Ulta $25 gift card and other beauty items for submitting
the most Stop and Shop Rewards Card numbers.
You still receive your normal discount for gas. You can sign up to 2 schools. FORT BANKS
SCHOOL ID is: 06294
-Target Rewards- This program allows you to link up your
bank debit card to a Target card. Not
only you get %5 off every purchase but the school also receives a donation from
Kindergarten Social
- Successful event held in Aug. (before School started) to
welcome incoming Kindergarteners to new school/friends.
-Anita Preble was able to obtain grant money for
-Great way to meet/learn about and sign up for after school
Family Events
-Spooky Bingo- Held in Late October usually sells out fast.
A great fun night. Date TBD
-Valentines Bingo- Held week of Valentines Day, another sold
out event in the past. Date TBD
-Literacy Night- Christa Shea is the Lead organizer
-Math and Science night0- looking to see if there is a
committee? Interest?
-Future Events- open to floor for ideas: Family Skate at
Laresn Rink
night? Music Night?
Playground Update
-Dawn Manning- Update on the status of the playground floor.
-When will surface pour occur?
-Mulch is very low, dangerous for kids.
-Looks like there is a budget of $40k or $45k for surfacing of playground. Town will start to move forward on bidding
and looks to be able to pour Next April?
Please get involved and ask your representative about this. Attend meetings and show support.
Please attend School
Building Meeting on 9/20 at 6pm in EB Newton
Next PTO meeting will
be October 10th 6:30 pm
Questions regarding a fence for the back of the school (near
-Site council member will bring this issue to their
Questions and discussion on homeless person living in the
wooded areas around school. Mention of
homeless mans items found, and police alerted about the matter.
Questions and discussions about why FKO is not allowed on
playground, parent pays for child to stay after school and he is not allowed
Questions and discussion on status of Access Road?
Please send your
concerns and questions to the Town Gov.
Meeting Adjourned.