No Walk to School Day on May 1st. Although we love the outdoors and all green methods of transportation, we want to point out that today's Winthrop Sun Transcript printed a press release from last year!
Below is a message from the Winthrop Sun Transcript:
The Gorman Fortbanks PTO apologizes for any confusion or inconvenience this causes families. In the meantime, we suggest the Transcript editors leave time travel to Marty McFly and H.G. Wells.
Below is a message from the Winthrop Sun Transcript:
In this week’s Winthrop Sun Transcript a story appeared about a Walk
to School happening on May 1. According to last year’s organizer of
the Walk to School, Dawn Sullivan, this walk was not scheduled and is
not happening on May 1.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this article would be causing
and we again want to bring this mistake to the attention of all
parents at the William Gorman Fort Banks School.
The Gorman Fortbanks PTO apologizes for any confusion or inconvenience this causes families. In the meantime, we suggest the Transcript editors leave time travel to Marty McFly and H.G. Wells.