Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Gorman Fort Banks PTO
Calendar Raffle Fundraiser

Help your Classroom &Win an iPad Mini!*

Dear Gorman Fort Banks Families:

This year the PTO is giving you a reason to look forward to May. For our second year, we are running a Calendar Raffle as a fundraiser for the Classroom Grant Fund for our school, and the month of May could be your lucky month!

31 Chances to Win and $2000 in Cash Prizes!

For only $10 per calendar, you can be entered to win daily cash prizes ranging from $25 up to $250 throughout the month of May. All winners are put back into the raffle drum for the next day's drawing, so you can win multiple times with one calendar. The more calendars you buy, the better your chances to win.

Entering the Raffle is Easy!

Simply buy or sell each calendar for $10, fill out the bottom portion completely and return it with your payment in a sealed envelope (cash or check payable to the GFB PTO) by April 30th. All entries received with payment will be included in the Calendar Raffle drawings.Mrs. Pearson will draw the winners during morning announcements. Winners will be contacted daily, and will also be posted weekly on the GFB PTO website ( and Facebook page. Prizes will be sent directly to each winner at the address provided on each winning ticket.

We hope you will find this to be a fun and exciting fundraiser to be involved in. Please remember that all proceeds raised will directly support the Classroom Grant Fund which will help our teachers purchase special materials to enrich your child’s educational experience. If you are unable to sell any of the provided calendars, please return them to the school in your child’s backpack.