Gorman Fort Banks PTO
Meeting Agenda for September 23rd, 2014
- Welcome
- Introduction of Board
- Co Presidents Kristen Buonopane and Christa Shea
- Co Vice Presidents Mariana Babine and Jennifer Gorman
- Co Secretaries Lauren Capasso and Crystal DeMayo
- Co Treasurers Reena Cash and Gillian Teixeira
- According to our PTO Handbook: If any member of the PTO would like to have an item added to the agenda, they can submit a written request to the secretary at least seven (7) days before a meeting.
- Principal’s Report (Mrs. Pearson)
- Treasurer Report (Gillian Teixeira)
- Summary Report of Disbursements and Balance
- Room parent drawing will take place directly following today’s meeting (Kristen Buonopane/Jennifer Gorman)
- Whether you are or are not a room parent, you can still volunteer in your child’s classroom or in the school
- Room Parents will be notified via email on Wednesday
- Volunteer Update (Mariana Babine)
- Loop (Sarah Pettee)
- School Volunteer help please contact Mariana at mbabine@winthrop.k12.ma.us
- Walk to school day (Dawn Sullivan)
- Meadow Farms Fundraiser (Lauren Capasso)
- Starting October 1 and running until October 15
- 40%-50% profit margin
- Running with the gift collection and tumblers at the same time
- Online ordering option available to help expand our contacts
- All items will be boxed by child and the company sorts them by homeroom for us
- We are still working on a location on delivery as we can not use anywhere at the Fort Banks
- The company will provide us a tablet to raffle off
- Updates (Gillian Teixeira)
- Kindergarten Social
- Kindergarten tea
- Ice Cream Social
- T-Shirt Sales
- Affiliate programs (Crystal DeMayo)
- Box Tops
- Labels for Education
- Target
- Stop & Shop A+ Rewards
- In-school Enrichment Activities (Kristen Buonopane/Jennifer Gorman)
- Upcoming Events (Gillian Teixeira)
- Spooky Bingo October 26
- Adult only Paint Nite November 7
- Poster Enlargement Printer (Christa Shea)
- Total cost of the printer is $6,694
- Includes: Printer, Printer stand and media bin, Scanning system, Computer with poster design software, Educational templates, 2 sets of ink cartridges, 2 rolls of coated paper, 5 rolls of standard paper, one year next day on site service, $500 supply credit.
- For an additional $2,400 we could purchase 4 years of additional coverage. This would start after the 1 year coverage with HP. During that first year they would still give us the discounts on supplies that is issued to people with a warranty service.
- The total with the warranty would be $9,094. However Viking Pride is willing to give us a $2,000 donation towards the purchase of the printer. Therefore it would be costing us $7,094.
- This printer has many benefits and it is something Mrs. Pearson has asked us to look into. I met with Mrs. Pearson over the summer and we did a conference call with the company. Each roll of paper will cover 50 posters. I don’t foresee the school going through those rather quickly as they will be given enough to cover the first 350 posters. The $500 credit will help he purchase additional ink as needed.
- In June we mentioned using the money left over from the teacher grant fund and the money raised at the paint nite. I am hoping we are still willing to do this. Our students would truly benefit from this tool and I would hate to let Mrs. Pearson down as she asked about this a year ago.
- The prices provided are only valid if ordered by September 30 so we have to act on this and take a vote now.
- Open Forum