Get your PaintNite tickets!!
Welcome to the William P. Gorman Fort Banks Elementary School PTO Blog, a parent run and supported site. Visit often to hear the latest news, plans, activities and ideas to support our school. Fort Banks is at 101 Kennedy Drive Winthrop, MA 02152.
Monday, October 20, 2014
GFB PTO Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2014
* Email the PTO 7 days prior if you want something added to the agenda.
• Principal’s Report (Mrs. Grimes)
- We need loop volunteers and substitutes.
- We also need to address the benches because we need room in the shed for winter equipment.
- There is no room for another mural. In addition, the kids haven’t received their certificates or art work.
- Halloween will be addressed to the faculty. It’s a half day and there have been no firm decisions on costumes, etc.
- No new updates. We prepaid $1089.50 for t-shirtss
- $8580.76 in general funds
- We sold $1054 worth of shirts and still have some new orders coming in. We should break even.
• Volunteer Update
- Loop ( Sarah Pettee): Reena will take over. We need volunteers from approximately 7:30-8:00. Please spread the word! Email or sign up sheet.
- School volunteers (Mariana Babine): If a teacher is being pulled out for a meeting we need volunteers – contact Mariana to sign up and she will post a meeting schedule. Sometimes she can post teacher’s names if you choose to volunteer for your child’s classroom.
• Room Parents (Kristen Buonopane)
- 2 classes have not had volunteers. All selected room parents have received an email and paper notification. If you are a room parent, please contact your teacher ASAP about Halloween. If you weren’t picked you can still volunteer in the classroom.
• Walk to school day (Gillian Teixeira)
- We need someone to take over the event (2x a year). There are 3 schools participating so it’s growing. Email GFB PTO if you’re interested in coordinating.
• Affiliate Programs (Christa Shea)
- Box Tops - Doreen Araujo will take over box tops and will meet with Tatiana.
- Target - take your checkbook to customer service and you can get a Target debit card and still receive 5% off. Go online and you can select your school.
• Meadow Farms Fundraiser (Christa Shea)
- Gillian received her order in less than a week. The company will send itemized lists for each child for the raffle. The asterisk means it’s the automatic prize sent if a gift isn’t chosen. If you purchase online you can have items shipped to your home or to the student. Emails are sent to student/parent that shows item purchased and the amount spent.
• In-school Enrichment Activities (Kristen Buonopane)
- We will have 5 this year (3 in the fall and 2 in the spring).
- All programs have been booked except for February. Math night is Feb so we are considering a math month with a math enrichment. Mad About Math costs $1625 which exceeds the $1500 limit so we need to vote. APPROVED!
• Upcoming Events
- Spooky Bingo (Gillian Teixeira) The flyer went out. We only have 200 tickets for both adults and children. We are sending an email confirmation to those who register. No tickets will be sold at the door. We sell out fast so send them back ASAP. If a child is over age 1, count them as a child.
- Adult Paint Night (Christa Shea) This year registration is online only. We will receive $20 from each ticket. We are looking for donations for paint night and spooky bingo. Email Christa for paint and Gillian for bingo.
- We are looking into a letter for tax purposes.
• Email Communication (Gillian Teixeira)
- We are working on email communication including a link to enter child info and email to be added to the volunteer list or general list so that event info can go out. The confirmation may go to another folder (spam or promotions). Check our blog and like us on Facebook.
• Summer Reading (Christa Shea)
- The ice cream coupons are going out next week. 200 kids participated. We got 2 $20 gift certificates for bingo and paint night. This is Christa’s last year so someone needs to take over.
• School Dance (Doreen Araujo)
- Doreen will research and have a committee. Looking at DJ, light food, pizza and water? Can our gym support this? Would it be allowed here? We are thinking after the holidays (January)? Doreen will bring some info to the next meeting.
• Playground Update (Kristen Buonopane)
- 4 benches were made for the playground but after delivery we saw some safety issues. Kids can climb over or beneath them and get trapped. Donate them!
• School Book Fair (Dawn Hurley)
- This was the largest selling event to date. Scholastic received $6443.28. We will repeat in March and June (BOGO). 60% profit margin. Also, the library is opening and we need volunteers Monday through Friday. A notice will go out next week.
• Mural (Kristen Buonpane)
- Certificates for the mural were not the responsibility of the PTO. Cara Huberman was responsible and will be contacted.
• Open Forum
Sign up for Shoparoo. It’s easy to do! PTO may send out a flyer that bullets everything (Amazon orders, etc).
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Spooky BINGO is now
If space becomes available, we will post this information on our Facebook page and Blog.
Thank You!
Monday, October 13, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Meadow Farms Fundraising packets/order forms are due back on Wednesday, October 15th. You can return them in your child's backpack (or order online). All money raised will help support Gorman Fort Banks School! We appreciate your efforts to help!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Gorman Fort Banks PTO
Meeting Agenda for October 8, 2014
- Welcome
- Introduction of Board
- Co Presidents Kristen Buonopane and Christa Shea
- Co Vice Presidents Mariana Babine and Jennifer Gorman
- Co Secretaries Lauren Capasso and Crystal DeMayo
- Co Treasurers Reena Cash and Gillian Teixeira
- According to our PTO Handbook: If any member of the PTO would like to have an item added to the agenda, they can submit a written request to the secretary at least seven (7) days before a meeting.
- Principal’s Report (Mrs. Pearson)
- Treasurer Report (Gillian Teixeira)
- Summary Report of Disbursements and Balance
- Volunteer Update (Mariana Babine)
- Loop (Sarah Pettee)
- School Volunteer help please contact Mariana at
- Walk to school day (Dawn Sullivan)
- Meadow Farms Fundraiser (Christa Shea) update and clarifications
- Affiliate programs (Crystal DeMayo)
- Box Tops
- Labels for Education
- Target
- Stop & Shop A+ Rewards
- In-school Enrichment Activities (Kristen Buonopane and Jennifer Gorman)
- March enrichment
- Upcoming Events (Gillian Teixeira and Christa Shea)
- Spooky Bingo October 26 (200 people max)
- Adult only Paint Nite November 7 (100 people max for painting)
- looking for Prize and Raffle donation for Spooky Bingo and Raffle items for Paint Nite
- Email communication (Gillian Texeira)
- Summer reading (Christa Shea)
- approximately 200 students participated
- special thanks to Twist and Shake for the Free cone for each child that participated
- Someone Special Dance
- when and where
- need a committee to research it more
- Playground Update (Kristen Buonopane)
- Open Forum
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Meeting Minutes
September 23, 2014
- Staff scheduling is currently being worked on.
- The traffic situation and wrap-around program are going well.
- One of the main problem areas is security volunteers (loop and substitutes).
- Curriculum night had a disappointing turnout.
- GFB is going paper-free so submit email addresses and check the school web page.
• Treasurer’s Report (Gillian Teixeira)
- We closed out last year on a positive note ($19k)
- $7900 for technology grant
- The guidelines for the classroom grants have changed and moved back to Feb.
- General fund is currently at $7200 and $5-6k will be spent on enrichment.
• Room parent (Jennifer Gorman)
- The drawing will be held after the meeting – please consider volunteering even if you are unable to be a room parent.
- Loop ( Sarah Pettee): Loop assistance is needed, even if someone can help for 20 minutes after dropping off their kindergartener. Please pass on the word!
- School volunteers (Gillian Teixeira): We need volunteers for several events.
• Walk to school day (Dawn Sullivan) Wednesday, October 8
- The Safe Routes to School Program encourages people to walk to school to increase physical activity and decrease traffic. People can walk in groups or meet at lots (Crest Ave, Veteran’s Rd, George St). This year, we are leaving it up to parents to coordinate. Info is on the school website and Facebook. The bus will run on its regular schedule.
• Meadow Farms Fundraiser (Lauren Capasso)
- We are starting the fundraiser on Oct 1 and running it for 2 weeks. We are looking at a 40-50% profit margin. We are selling tumblers and a variety of gift/holiday items from another catalog. Online ordering is available. The items will be boxed by child by the company. We were working on a location to store them but the gym or basement may be available now.
• Updates (Gillian Teixeira)
- Kindergarten social: Aug 17. We gave out freeze pops and waters. It cost PTO under $141. We made $91.
- Kindergarten Tea: Sept 8. We got some Stop & Shop cards. It cost PTO under $100.
- Ice Cream Social: We had over 300 registrants and collected over $1000. We are normally billed over $600 but it was only $450 this year due to volunteer scoopers. We raised $550 and hope to do another at the end of the school year.
- T-shirt Sales: We are working on the forms now and will place the order on Monday. We are doing short sleeve only at this time and may do sweatshirts or long sleeve for the fall/winter.
• Affiliate Programs (Gillian Teixeira)
- We are collecting box tops and labels for education. Send them into school at any time. Sign up for S&S cards so your food shopping goes towards the school.
• In-school Enrichment Activities (Jennifer Gorman)
- We will have 5 this year (3 in the fall and 2 in the spring).
- October: Domino the Great, Buddies not Bullies
- November: Museum of Science, Observing Air & Flight and States of Matter (3rd Grade)
- December: New England Aquarium Rock Hopper Penguins
• Upcoming Events (Gillian Teixeira)
- Spooky Bingo Sunday, October 26. Doors open at 2pm. All events will be pre-registered. There is a max capacity of 200 people. We are trying an email confirmation this time around. Let us know if you don’t get a flyer for any event. We need volunteers to set up, break down, do raffles, etc.
- Adult only paint night is Friday, November 7 at Winthrop Yacht Club. There is a 100 person limit. We are looking for adult raffle prizes.
• Poster Enlargement Printer (Christa Shea)
The printer will make 24x36 posters to enrich learning. Current cost is $6694 and
this price is only effective until 9/30/14. There is additional $2000 for a 5 year
contract. Viking Pride will donate $2000. There is 1 training included and Mrs.
Pearson will designate someone to use the machine. Voted and approved.
• Open Forum
“Someone Special Dance” – add this to the October agenda
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