GFB PTO Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2015
New MCAS/ELA date are 3/31 and 4/1. Parent MCAS info night to be held on
3/19 from 6:30-7:30 in the multipurpose room. Pre-K screenings are scheduled
for 3/30, 3/31 and 4/1. Kindergarten registration will be 4/7, 4/8, 4/9. Judy will
have packets on 3/9. There will be an unannounced lockdown drill coming up.
The scholastic book fair will be taking place at the same time as MWRA. Mrs.
Pearson and staff thank the PTO for the enrichment programs. There is another
one in March. One parent inquired about the 3rd
Plantation/Pioneer Village. Mrs. Grimes has not heard anything but will ask Mrs.
• Treasurer’s Report (Gillian Teixeira)
We started January off with $12,823. We had $652 in expenses, $688 in deposits
and ended up with $12,859. Our largest expenses were the donation to the
Mariana Fabiano park fundraiser and the calendar raffle printing costs. Our largest
deposit was $688.70 from the fall box tops. We are still waiting for Twist &
Shake invoice. As of 2/11 we had $1632 in expenses and no deposits. Our largest
expense was for math enrichment ($1625).
Jen Gorman – Applications for grants were submitted to the Winthrop Cultural
Council for enrichment support. We were awarded approximately $1600 in grants
relating to our enrichment programs for the 2014-2015 school year.
• Volunteer Update
Loop (Sarah Pettee): We need volunteers on Mondays & Wednesdays. The
coffee hour didn’t go very well – not many people showed up.
• Fundraiser Ideas (Christa Shea)
The calendar raffles went out. It cost $260 for 8000 tickets including stapling.
Maybe over vacation we can ask local businesses for a table for sales. Total cost
was about $2500 for printing and tablet. Post on Facebook to promote sales. People
don’t need to live around here to buy them – checks are mailed.
• Upcoming Events
Math Night (Kristen Buonopane) – Rescheduled to 3/26 due to weather.
Scholastic Book Fair (Kristen Buonopane) – Dawn Hurley wants to look into
extending scholastic dollars to all staff. We have approximately $7100 in
scholastic dollars and will make more at the book fair.
Community Reader Day (Mariana Babine) – Thursday, March 5
Literacy Night (Christa Shea) – Literacy night with Jan Brett is Friday, March
6. It will be set up differently this year. Pre-K, K and 1st
cafeteria and grades 2 and 3 will be in the gym. The room is capped instead of by
grade. We will have 2 different colors based on the room. Centers will be geared
grade field trip to Plymouth
grade will be in the
towards grade. We will need volunteers.
Family Skate (Christa Shea) – Scheduled for 3/8 from 1-3. Kids need their own
skates and helmet. $3 per skater. Sandra keeps track of the concession sales and
we get a percentage. Scooters will be available. No hockey equipment allowed.
A few raffles will be held.
Someone Special Dance (Lauren Capasso) – No updates from Doreen in
regards to the dance. Dj is the only thing that has been secured.
MCAS Breakfast (Kristen Buonopane) – PTO will have a breakfast for third
grades the morning of 3/31 and 4/1 dates. Planning is in progress.
• Affiliate Programs (Christa Shea)
Keep clipping box tops. Register your target card. Once registered, you don’t
have to do it annually.
Schoola – you can request a bag for your gently used clothes and we get a
• Open Forum
Sarah Pettee asked Mrs. Grimes about how teachers are describing the lockdown
drills to students without just saying it’s “bad weather” related. Mrs. Grimes
explained that the original discussion was that explaining what the lockdown’s
real meaning is could be too graphic for the younger grades.
Jim Fabiano – Thank you to PTO for donation. The town approved soft surface
for Kindergarten playground. Still waiting on a few other things. Parks
committee is doing a spring fundraiser and is donating profits to the playground.
No updates on the fence. The last meeting was canceled.
Gillian Texeira spoke with someone on the school committee and she is listening
to parents’ concerns about the snow and bus stops. She will address these items at
the meeting tonight. We need to start sending letters/emails to the town to make
them aware of these concerns. Be sure to cc P. Gill and J. McKenna.