Gorman Fort Banks PTO
Meeting Minutes for March 11, 2015
Principal's report (Mrs. Pearson)
Thanked the PTO for money from Target check of $565.11
Poster maker is very well received
Community Readers was a success, but challenging to get people in here that
are meaningful to the students. Spoke with Mrs. Babine about what we can
Thanking PTO for the willingness for breakfast.
Breakfast information will be given at MCAS info night, and it has been talked
about with the 3rd grade teachers/students.
Parent night is March 19th 6:30-7:30 for MCAS information.
Students entering tardy will not be able to go to their class.
Student surprise scheduled for 3rd grade students only
No volunteers for 3rd grade day of MCAS.
No volunteers in the 3rd grade hallways during MCAS
There will be hallway/bathroom monitors
Field day-Where “game day” for 1st grade is earlier this year, 1st grade will have game
day, 2nd grade will have tournament day, and 3rd grade will have actual field day.
Asking PTO to have some sort gift (t-shirt, hat, bag) to 3rd grade. Parents attending
3rd grade only because they will be exiting the school.
(concerns about another field day for 3rd grade. Issue being that next year there will
be two grades moving on. Do we have two field days?) Mrs. Pearson is leaving it up
to the PTO and parents. She is happy to let the PTO come up with an alternative. The
things that are the most exciting to students are those to do with food, or something
Proposed 2015-2016 calendar has not been given to administration yet, so no date
for Kindergarten social can be planned yet.
Treasurer Report (Gillian Teixeira)
Paid out the February Enrichment “Mad About Math”
Made a large deposit for the calendar raffle, but still need to pay the last
enrichment and the calendar raffle winner payments.
Classroom grant fund- only 3 teachers approached the PTO, but a reminder
was sent out, and the date was extended to April 15th.
Volunteer Update (Reena Cash)
Still need loop volunteers for Mondays and Wednesdays
Fundraiser (Kristen Buonopane)
Calendar Raffle update-Very successful, looking at little over $9000 after everything
is paid out. Tablet winner was pulled and delivered to the winner. Sending 10
calendars home per student made things better.
Review of Recent Events (Kristen Buonopane/Christa Shea)
Scholastic Book Fair: no official breakdown, but we sold around $10,000. We
get 60% of sales in scholastic dollars.
Literacy night-6th year doing literacy night. About 103 students
Issues were that the café was a little more congested than the gym, mainly
because the younger students were in the café, and needed more help.
Next year we need to work on stressing that they need to wait to switch
Family Skate Party-great turn out, 75-90 people. We had a few raffles.
Upcoming Events (Kristen Buonopane/Doreen Araujo)
Math Night- March 26th, flyers went home today. You do need to re-register
for the new date. Need volunteers.
MCAS Breakfast (03/31 & 04/01)-This will be served separate from the
traditional breakfast. Bagels, muffins, fruit and milk will be served for free
for all 3rd graders from 7:30-8:00. Will need a few volunteers for the
breakfast, as well as a few extra volunteers for the loop those days.
Proposed budget of $400 for the breakfast to cover both days was voted on
6pm-7:30pm. Flyer will go out next week.
DJ is booked and will have a few games to run with the
Nick’s Place is donating 3 trays of pizza.
$5 for admission per child, which will include a drink and glow
Pizza will be sold by the slice
Need to order glow sticks
Need to work on organizing an activity, waiting on Winthrop
School of Performing Arts to maybe donate the time of an
instructor to run activities.
Open to families, and the dance will be causal dress.
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon: Looking at Friday May 8th, proposed budget
of $750 was voted on and approved.
Ice Cream Social- discussed potential date of June 12th, 6pm-8pm.
Another movie night was discussed. Possible date of June 5th depending on
movie company. Would play Big Hero 6.
Affiliate programs (Doreen Araujo)
Boxtops submitted 03/14/15 for around $450