Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Meeting Agenda for September 12th, 8:30 AM

Gorman Fort Banks PTO
Meeting Agenda for September 12th, 8:30 AM
  1.  Welcome
  1. Introduction of Board
  2. Agenda items must be submitted in writing to marcie.moline@gmail.com at least 5 days prior
  3. Committee business vs. PTO General Session
  1. Principal’s Report (Mrs. Pearson)
  2. Treasurer Report (Dawn Sullivan)  
  1. Summary Report of Disbursements and Balance
  1. Room parent drawing will take place outside of today’s meeting (Alicyn Thompson)
  1. Whether you are or are not a room parent, you can still volunteer in your child’s classroom or in the school
  1. Volunteer Update (Mariana Babine)
  1. We also need volunteers for the library, contact Dawn Hurley
  2. Drop-off, Carolyn Gagnon
  3. Resource, Alicyn Thompson
  4. Absentee hotline, Linda Straccia
  5. Recess and lunch, Marci Campo
  1. Cookie Dough Fundraiser  (Shannon Girard)
  2. Gorman Fort Banks T-shirts - Vote on pricing
  3. Summer reading program (Marcie Moline) - turn in those forms! Due September 21st
  4. Kindergarten Social (Alicyn Thompson)
  5. Affiliate programs
  1. Box Tops
  2. Labels for Education
  3. Recycle Rewards rrewards.com 
  4. Labels4kids.com
  5. Stop & Shop A+ Rewards, Facebook Contest (Tatiana)
  1. In-school Enrichment Activities (Alicyn Thompson)
  2. Upcoming Family Events
  1. Spooky Bingo
  2. Valentine’s Day Bingo
  3. Literacy Night
  4. Math & Science Event
  5. Future Events?
  1. Playground Update (Dawn Manning)
  2. School Building Improvement Meeting 9/20 6pm @ EB Newton
  3. Open Forum

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for missing the first meeting everyone... I've had a vicious cold, didn't want to get anyone sick. I'm looking foward to seeing everyone at the next meeting and a great school year!!! -Lauren McSweeney, Damien's mom


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