Thursday, April 15, 2010

Agenda for 4/15/2010 Meeting

·       Fundraising for 2010-2011 Academic Year (Shannon Girard)
o   Fall and Spring, Set Dates
o   Presentation by Genevieve’s
o   Presentation by Meadow Farms
o   Vote: Meadow Farms or Genevieve’s?
o   Does a phonebook for fall sound good?
·       Disbursement request by from Mrs. Pearson for Kindergarten and 1st Grade: From Mrs. Pearson, “…the kindergarten teachers like to hatch butterflies and the first grade teachers tadpoles.  We are wondering if the PTO would be willing to support these aspects of our science curriculum. The cost is as follows: 9 units of butterflies = $134.91 + $16.00 for shipping and handling for a total of $151.90. The tadpoles including food pellets cost $63.80 + second day air shipping cost of $30 for a total cost of $93.80. If these requests are approved, Mrs. Gavin will take care of ordering.”
o   Vote: Approve expenditure or disapprove expenditure?
·       Walkathon/Fun run
o   Vote: Yes or No to Cummings table (Winthropoly sales) at event?
o   Vote: Yes or No to quilt raffle for scholarship?
o   We need a person to be in charge of refreshments
·       Enrichment Activities Report
o   Ooochworld (Cindy Silva, Jackie Drevos)
o   Jeremy Reiner Visit in March (Jill Dorr)
o   Zorro the Bomb Dog visit in March (Jill Dorr)
o   Upcoming: Mike the Bubbleman
·       Incoming Kindergarten Parent Orientation on April 28 from 6:30 pm – 8 pm
o   Hospitality volunteers
·       Future planning for 2010-11 Academic Year
o   Fundraisers
o   Enrichment Activities
o   PTO Meetings
§  Is our current alternating schedule good?
·       Open committee positions. Any volunteers?
o   BoxTops Rewards
o   Recycle Rewards
·       General Reports
o   Treasury (Jodee Harris)
o   Recycling
§  Recycling idea in support of Mrs. Merola (Dawn Manning)
o   Ongoing fundraising
§  BoxTops Stop & Shop
§  Target
·       New Business

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