Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Clothing and Recycling Drive

Greetings to PTO, Gorman Ft. Banks Recycling Committee and other interested parties, 

These flyers (clothing drive and recycling) announce recycling drives taking place in the next couple of weeks to benefit the Gorman Ft. Banks School PTO.   Two clothing drives including one that is a combination of clothing, cans, bottles and other collections are outlined in these documents.  FYI, the Middle School PTO is also holding their annual clothing drive at the polls on election day, November 2.    

Please help to get the word out by passing along these flyers via email and hard copy.  Also, please consider printing these and posting them in yours or your friends' businesses, or just around town.  A good turnout will be the result of good networking and will result in more revenue for our schools.  

Additionally, we're asking that you reach out to a couple of businesses or venues to coordinate your own arrangements for delivery of cans, bottles, clothes, cartridges et al, to the Saturday, Nov 6th  drive.  If we each take a few establishments, we can get more folks involved and ultimately raise more money. 

Here is a suggestion:  Think recycling whenever you are out and about doing errands, whether its official business at town hall, shopping, grabbing coffee or sitting down for dinner somewhere.  Contacting restaurants, yacht clubs, bars, banks, church groups and any other private or public entities are all good venues.  FYI, I've already spoken to Nick's Pizza and will get to Crest Ave Pizza, both of these businesses routinely support our recycling efforts.  

Here is an interesting note- Christine Bernstein was at Citizens Bank today speaking to a bank representative on behalf of our schools.  While the bank employee wasn't able to provide any traditional business donations, she did support us with an offer to give us the bank's ink cartridges as well as some volunteers to help at our Saturday drive.  Bravo Christine!   Building rapport with local businesses will help in future endeavors like this.  
Last item - we need volunteers to help Friday morning Nov 5th at the Gorman and Saturday, Nov 6th at Woodside Hardware.  Please see flyers for times and let one us know if you are available.    
Feel free to respond with any feedback and thanks in advance to all you green-minded parents and teachers! 


Georgeane Coleman
Cindy Silva 
(co- chairs, Gorman Fort Banks Recycling Committee) 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Our library is volunteer-run. If you would like to volunteer or help with other school activities, please contact us with you name and e-mail in the comments.

Please click here to view the class library schedule.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Spooky Bingo is SOLD OUT!

We had an overwhelming response to our Spooky Bingo pre-sale. We are SOLD OUT! We will not be selling tickets at the door. We hope you understand and appreciate your overwhelming support.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Stop & Shop A+ Rewards

Have you registered your Stop & Shop card to help our school using their Stop & Shop's A+ School Rewards program yet? If you signed up last year and chose Gorman Fort Banks as your school, you need to sign up again! That's right! You need to re-enroll as the program is only valid for the academic year. Sign up today!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Spooky Bingo Volunteers

We need a few more volunteers to help out for this Friday's Bingo:
o Need 3-4 more volunteers for tables

We Need volunteers to call numbers, use the projector and whiteboards. We are enlisting the support of our erstwhile co-president, Dawn Manning to be a caller. But we could always use back up.

Bake Sale – Shannon Girard sent email to Hospitality Committee requesting baked goods. If you would like to provide baked goods for sale at Bingo, please contact Shannon Girard by posting to the comments. It will then be forwarded to Shannon.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Minutes from October 6 Meeting

Click here for a printable version of the meeting minutes.

WEDNESDAY, October 7, 2010

BOARD MEMBERS:  Co-Presidents: Marcie Moline and Dawn Manning, Co-Vice Presidents: Cindy Silva and Jill Dorr, Treasurer: Jodee Harris, Co-Secretaries: Jackie Drevos and Kristen Fainga’a

Special Guest:  Town Council President and School Committee member, Jeff Turco, was invited to speak on behalf of the School Committee.
                  Mr. Turco discussed the following topics:
·       current budget for the town and schools
·       the implementation of free, full day kindergarten and it’s benefits
·       Superintendent vacancy
·       Making improvements: are there ways to do things better? Are we using money wisely?
·       Current teacher contract Negotiations: School Committee met recently for 6 ½ hours will reconvene at Thursday’s Meeting, October 14, 2010

The following concerns were shared by PTO members:
·       Playground improvements
·       The “Loop” and safety concerns
·       Too many empty seats on the bus
·       DPW vehicles exiting and entering during drop-off and pick up hours
·       Why is there compost hours between 1:00 – 3:00 on Fridays

Jeff promised to bring all these concerns to the school committee and report back
The next School Committee meeting is scheduled for October 14, 2010 at 7:00PM

·       Mrs. Pearson personally thanked all the volunteers, especially Carolyn Gagnon and Kelly Parker, for their efforts in organizing this program.  Mrs. Pearson expressed her appreciation to all volunteers assisting in the loop, it enhances student safety immensely.
·       The teachers have temporarily suspended the “Work to School Rule”.   Teachers will be available from 7:55 – 2:15.  However this could change.
·       There is one position available for a site council volunteer.  It is a 1 year term.  At this moment, there is not a teacher representative due to contract restrictions.  There is also a community representative position open.  The community rep CANNOT also be a parent of a Fort Banks student.    If interested please contact the school office.
·       Mrs. Pearson expressed her wish to have an overarching theme for the school year.  Deferred to PTO member, Kristen Fainga’a to discuss further.
·       Christine Bernstein asked Mrs. Pearson for an update regarding For Kids Only and rent.  Currently FKO is paying a per pupil monthly fee, plus custodian fee.


A member of the PTO requested the results of the Scholastic Book Fair.  A cash value of $1,200 was raised or a $2,800 “Scholastic Dollar” value.  Scholastic Dollars must be spent via a Scholastic Catalog. 

Carolyn Gagnon thanked all the volunteers and informed everyone that she and Kelly Parker created a database to track the members and their duties.  Currently there are volunteers covering the following:
·       Morning traffic and school doors
·       TST meetings on Fridays from 10:00-11:20
·       Interim meetings
·       Common Planning Time, 1st Tuesday of the month starting in November; in progress
A request was made for 2 more volunteers for the School Library from 10:40 – 11:40
There is a need to add 2-4 more volunteers to the pool.  Please contact Carolyn or Kelly.

Marcie Moline asked members their opinion regarding the posting of PTO volunteer’s email/phone # on the PTO blog.  It was agreed that a link and if possible, a password to a spreadsheet would be preferred.

·       Crazy About Cookies:  Shannon Girard updated the PTO that the Crazy about Cookies fundraiser will begin before the Thanksgiving break and continue for 2 weeks.  The Cookies will cost $10 per tub which will earn a 50% profit for the school.  Each box will be delivered to the individual child per classroom.  Mrs. Pearson approved having some sort of “kick-off” fundraising mini-event.  Shannon will follow-up with Mrs. Pearson.
·       Raffle Tickets:  Christine Bernstein will work with Megan Noonan of the Winthrop Yacht Club in order to enter a raffle for an upcoming event being held the night before Thanksgiving.   Christine will research a raffle item and report back to the PTO.  A budget was not decided upon.
·       Clothing Drive:  Christine will meet with the Recycle Committee to derive a date.
·       Spooky Bingo:  Friday, October 22, 2010.  The PTO Executive Board along with several members will meet separately on Saturday at 9:00am to discuss the details.
o   Jackie spoke with Erin Flaherty at Saint Johns and requested 10th grade volunteers for this event.
o   A Bake Sale will also be held at this event
o   It was requested to offer a “family rate” admission
·       Box Tops:  Krissy Mercer volunteered to be the point person.   A flyer will be distributed to the students by Monday.   There will be an overall school goal – goal to be determined by the Box Top Committee.

                  Marcie Moline spoke on behalf of the Treasurer:  There were no updates.

·       OOCHWORLD:  Friday, October 8, 2010 for grades 1-5
o   An anti-bullying program by Brett Outchcunis, please visit
o   Cost is being shared by Fort Banks and Cummings schools
o   Spooky Bingo is Friday, October 22nd. Details will be forthcoming on the PTO Blog and in backpack mail.

·       Dawn informed everyone of a musical group called Manquito, appropriate for grades 1-5.  They represent a variety of nationalities and backgrounds.  They will introduce students to the music of Latin America including the rumba and the Dominican meringue, while playing Latin musical instruments.  They have previously performed at the school.  Tentative dates:  1/13 or 1/27.  The cost is $1300 for 2 shows.
o   Jill Dorr will lead the enrichment group team.
o   Dawn updated the members of the Grants that are available through the Cultural Council.  The deadline for submitting grants is October 15.  Dawn has applied for several Grants through the Council.  Grants will not be approved until the beginning of January.

·       Kristen shared an idea for a family activity.  The children would be given an assignment to work with their families at home on a School Motto.  More information to follow.
·       Co-Branding School Notices:  school notices would be “sponsored” by a company
o   Scott Kinsella volunteered to be the point person to lead and research this initiative

Please contact Dawn or Marice with any ideas, comments or feedback:
                  Marcie:  marcie[at symbol]craftraft[period]com
                  Dawn:  kmanningfamily[at symbol]comcast[period]net

Next meeting November 3, 2010 at 8:30am in the school cafeteria.


Monday, October 4, 2010

PTO Agenda for October 6, 2010 at 6:30 PM

·       Intro 2 minutes
o   Introduction of Board
·       Principal’s Report (Mrs. Pearson) 5 minutes
·       Treasurer Report Treasury (Jodee Harris)  1 minute
·       Schools Update by Jeffrey Turco, Town Council President and School Committee Member
o   Announcement: School Committee Meeting at the Cummings School on Thursday, October 7, 7 pm.
·       Volunteer Update (Carolyn Gagnon) 10 minutes
·       Posting on the website our PTO Member/Volunteer Committee Spreadsheet? (Marcie Moline)
·       Fundraising for 2010-2011 Academic Year 20 minutes
o   Crazy About Cookies by Creative Fundraising Solutions (Shannon Girard)
o   Raffle ticket sales at WYC event night  (Cindy Silva)
o   Clothing drive (Christine Bernstein)
o   Spooky Bingo, October 22 (PTO Exec Board)
o   Ongoing Fundraisers
§  Box Tops – would we like a school or class competition?
·       Enrichment Activities Report 5 minutes
o   Oochworld Comes to Fort Banks (Jackie Drevos)
o   Enrichment Planning should be happening now. Please work with Mrs. Pearson and the teachers to coordinate ideas with curriculum
·       School Motto(Kristen Fainga’a) 5 minutes
·       Reminder: Committees Should Start Planning
·       Interest in co-branding school notices (Cindy Silva, Dawn Manning, Marcie Moline) 10 minutes
·       New Business

CliClick here for the print version of the agenda