For those of you who are old-timers you know how difficult school drop off at the Fortbanks can be. And for those who are new to the school, we have a legendary traffic reputation. The road configuration right now is "one way in, one way out." The key to making morning drop off work is through our parent volunteers. Do you have 15 to 20 minutes one morning a week?
All you need to do is stand in the loop from approximately 7:50 am to 8:05 to open car doors and be sure the children safely exit their vehicle and get onto the sidewalk.
What can you do to make drop off work like a machine:
- Consider installing your child's car seat on the passenger side if it is currently on the driver's side.
- Make sure your child is holding their backpack and lunch bag or have it in their immediate reach as you are entering the loop.
- Run through a check list with your child as you wait in the traffic line, "Do you have your backpack ready? Is your hat on..."
- Be cautious of pedestrians in cross walks.
- Do not park in the DPW lot.
- If you must travel with your pet during drop off. Be sure they are properly secured in their kennel or by leash. Drop off time often causes excitement or anxiety in pets. For the safety of the children, volunteers and your pet, please try to leave them for the brief time at home. Again, if they must travel with you, keep your pet secure and away from the volunteers and the exiting vehicle door.
- If your child does not know how to disconnect their seatbelt, now is the time to teach them and go over appropriate safety rules. Remind them that they should not disconnect their belt until the vehicle comes to a full stop.
- As the driver, DO NOT EXIT THE VEHICLE! This is why we ask for volunteers. Pull your car up to a volunteer and they will open your child's door.
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